Police station

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He had only one daughter left who did not work with him and decided to take the path of art. He sent her to learn in the largest academies in Italy. She excelled there in oil painting and excelled in it. She returned to Egypt and established the largest studio for her in the Hussein area. It cost him millions, but he does not care about this. It is enough for him to see. Her smile and joy when she finishes a new painting or whenever she opens a new exhibition, and when one of her paintings wins a prize, whether local, regional or international, he holds celebrations that last for days and pays millions for the news to be covered at the level of the press and the media and on social networking sites until his daughter Yasmine became a star. The community is more famous than some of the acting and singing stars.
Crowds and noise fill the place, the white lights illuminate it even though it is still daytime, you feel the coldness of the place even if you are in the month of Bauna, those present here are perpetrators and victims, accused and those who have charged them, and lawyers are spreading, few people came to serve an interest that no one complains about, But everyone is sullen.
In his office, Captain Nabil sat reviewing some papers, sorting them and putting them in two piles, the first complete and the other for completeness. He put his mobile phone headphones in his ear, listening to the music of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. His general taste is completely different and does not fit at all with his presence in a police station in one of the centers of Giza Governorate. Officers, secretaries of the police, soldiers, and the guard, regardless of their ranks, will not listen to such music. The only person who shared this artistic taste with him was an officer who worked with him one day when he joined the Passports Authority at the beginning of his working life.
He finished the pile of papers after classifying them, opened his desk drawer and took out a novel recommended to him by Noha, his cousin. He learned his love for history, especially for the Alawite family, and the events that passed during this period. This novel discusses the beginnings of this family and the struggle of its founder to be his new state to transform an entire nation into workers under his hand.
Although she is very similar to his mother in features, she is completely different from her aunt in personality, she is not at all proud of her Turkish origins, although everything in the palace in which she lives indicates these origins, and his mother inherited it after she paid her sisters' share in it, she kept Every inch and every artifact in it.
If you step foot in the palace, time will take you back at a strange speed to the nineteenth century, when her family was considered the butter of high society, original paintings hanging on the walls, different pieces of weapons - swords, rifles, pistols and drums - all original, some dating back to the eighteenth century and perhaps to the seventeenth as well. Real wealth estimated at millions hangs adorning the walls of the palace, a large number of blinds, all made in Italy by great artists, all the mirrors hanging around the place are from Belgium, you look at them and see everything is pure as if it is part of the truth that has no reflection, the curtains are from France, The carpets are from Iran, the chandeliers are from the most famous crystal factories in Europe, everything here oozes luxury and nobility, yet you feel that everyone here belongs to the soil of this country and is not an intruder.
His aunt Shams paid a lot so that this treasure would remain in her possession. All that mattered to her was to preserve this history and its roots so that it would remain for future generations a witness to an era and an important historical period in the history of this great and extended country.
She was offered imaginary sums to buy one of these pieces of art. She refused vehemently, apologizing politely, on the grounds that she does not have the right to dispose of these things, as they belong to the entire Egyptian people and she is entrusted with them. She does not object at all to him coming to visit the palace and see the artifacts in it for history students Or students of fine arts, treating the palace as if it were a majestic museum, and she does not stop explaining everything, whether the history of the art piece or the history of the period in which the piece was made.
Noha was affected by this atmosphere, she grew up as a pure Egyptian, even if her features and skin color differed from the usual color and common features often in the Egyptian people, but her spirit is Egyptian and she is proud of that, and the pride of her Egyptianizes is not contested except by the pride of her belonging to a larger nation that is the Islamic community as a whole, which in turn made her feel that she is a part Inseparable from all of humanity, she excelled in her studies and got a large score that qualifies her to enter a college of the top colleges. The College of Medicine refused, just as Nabil refused in the same year to join the College of Pharmacy. Shams Shweikar.
She succeeded and excelled and secured her a place in (Akher Khabar) magazine while she was still a student at the university. Her mother encouraged her to go through one experiment after another until she was referred to as Lebanon. She discussed with her everything related to her or her work, and her mother often warned her against cooperating with Nabil in things that Shweikar rejected. such as reading and writing, but she reassured her that she is careful in this matter and is betting on Nabil's intelligence that his matter will not be revealed, and for this reason, Nabil simply practices his beloved hobbies away from his mother's eyes, he listens to the music he loves through mobile headphones, so he only hears it alone, a habit that has taken root inside him and has become obsessed with him. Perhaps what encouraged him to do so is that his field of work and his place is not suitable for listening to music at all, of any kind, just as he never reads at home, practicing his hobby in his office at work or in the rest house for police officers, which he goes to at least two or three times a week.
She recommends a novel or a book for him, and gives him a map of the distribution of this book in libraries. At the earliest opportunity, he buys it and begins to read it. He writes down his notes in a notebook near him. After he finishes it, he discusses it in it. He explains to her some obscure points about it, or she enlightens him the way in places she seemed to be. incomprehensible to him, and after the end of the discussion, she asks him to write an article about this book and presents it to her, and in the quiet of the night, whether he is in charge or at rest, he takes his pen and starts writing down his article, and as soon as he finishes his writings, he begins to review it more than once and at separate intervals, And when he finishes it and makes sure of what he wrote and feels comfortable with what his pen wrote, he gives it to Noha so that they can discuss again about his article and his style, she gives him her observation and discusses it, and in the end they agree on certain specific points that must be modified in his article, and once he accomplishes them he re-presents it to her, often she expresses her admiration for what he wrote She asks him to keep his article, he agrees without hesitation. His last article includes a large file that she keeps in the palace library.
And here he is reading the novel (Al-Jashinkir), which recounts the first two years of the era of Muhammad Ali, and his struggle with Muhammad Bey Al-Alfi, and how death won for Muhammad Ali the Lucky One. He almost finished half of it when his office phone rang. In a small piece of paper, a new competition for selecting new guards, the application documents will be in his custody tomorrow, and he will hand them over to those wishing to join this job himself and help him in the honest work of Rajai, a job that he has not done before, but it seems simple and easy, withdrawing the application documents will be after tomorrow, once he finishes it, he will have a rest for twenty-four hours, and receiving the pamphlets will be a week after the submission. He and Secretary (Rajai) will also receive them, and they will have an exceptional rest for another twenty-four hours after receiving the pamphlets and handing them over to the Security Directorate.

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