A glimmer of hope

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Something was preoccupying Nabil. My hope offered the same money and I agreed to it, and here he is living a life he describes as stable, although from Nabil's point of view it does not have any kind of stability. On the contrary, it is a turbulent life that Nabil by nature cannot live, but there is a difference. Between Ragai's wife, no matter how wealthy she is in relation to Ragai's family, the police secretary, she will not be compared to the wealth of Yasmine Gemayel. A person she does not love or at least she is comfortable with, nothing is missing for her to complete herself with someone she does not like, she has wealth that only God knows the extent of, she is not lacking in fame as she is a well-known plastic artist in all artistic circles and she is hosted by satellite channels and parties are held in her honor, even if she His mother is honest in her description of her, as she is also beautiful and gentle, and her father's social position and his military history are enough to give her honor, pride and glory. What does this person lack except for her heart to beat for someone she loves with true love, someone she respects and finds that she is comfortable spending the rest of her life with, and if she does not find this person with whom she lives, she will not get married.
Nabil now, after thinking and analyzing, knows that if he proposes to marry Yasmine, refusal will be the predominant response, and this will not sadden or shock him, but on the contrary, this is what he wishes, but will this refusal stop Shweikar from her desperate attempts to find a suitable wife for him in her own way and from her point of view she? Nabil does not think so, for the stubborn Shweikar will consider that this is a round and she lost it, and she must fight another round in which she wins and gets her son a better wife and partner than before, which means that she will engage him in a stronger, fiercer and fiercer battle.
The clamor outside Nabil's office interrupted his thinking. For a few moments, he heard light knocks on the door, and Raji'i entered with application brochures for the security post. He placed them in front of Nabil on the desk and told him that he had asked Nahmad to call the applicants and make them stand in a line in front of the office on the condition that they enter the line. He meets the conditions and then gives him the brochure, that is all.
Nabil opened the drawer and took out a small piece of paper from his briefcase containing the main conditions that must be met by the applicant, such as age, nationality, and the required papers next to the brochure. He placed it in front of him and asked Rajai to enter the first two men applying for that job. Nabil smiled and before he started executing Nabil's order, he offered him to He asks him for a cup of tea, Nabil thanked him, as he never drinks tea and prefers fresh juices or American coffee, and he drank a large cup of it on his way, and he did not need any of this, all he really needed were two things, the first is a bottle of water, and it is better that it be mineral to ensure its cleanliness And the second is to start working so that he can forget his personal problems in it.
Rajai went to the door and asked Nahmad to buy a bottle of mineral water for Nabil and pointed to the first two in the queue to enter. Nabil's first surprise that day was among the applicants for this job.
Samiha was eager to get to the magazine's headquarters, the roads are almost empty and there is no traffic this morning, however, she felt that the road was long and the distance doubled, as soon as she arrived in her car in front of the main building of the magazine, she quickly got down with a small plastic file in her hand and her handbag on her shoulder, she headed quickly towards the second floor Where is the editing room.
Before entering the hall, her feet stuck to the ground in front of the small room to the right of the corridor leading to the editing hall, that room that Faraj used as a small kitchen to make tea, coffee and drinks. A loud voice coming from the editing room made her throat dry, her knees tremble, and her heart pounded with fear.
Shihab al-Baghdadli stood in the middle of the editorial hall, foaming and foaming, and sweat dripping from his entire body until he appeared on his shirt, which had become wet, as if he was walking in the rain. Almost all of the editors and young journalists in the hall were silenced and rendered unable to speak. The only sound that resonates in the place is The voice of a shooting star, he stood of medium stature and gray hair, where his long black hair was equal to white in a beautiful blend, and his wide, slightly protruding eyes looked at the faces of those in the hall as they warned of a near human being, and his mouth moved at a strange speed and despite that, every word he said was very clear despite the loudness of the voice, threats Warnings and feasts made everyone who hears him unable even to blink, all eyes directed towards him, and ears sensitive to his screams, and suddenly he stopped shouting and looked around the hall and said in his loud voice:
- Come on, Effendi, from you to him, why does she want a job? The earth does not stop spinning, people do not stop talking, and we are busy talking.
He concluded his speech with his usual sentence:
- Get it still..
He said it in a somewhat comical manner, but no one dared to laugh. They remained silent until he shouted at them again, saying:
- come on..
Be aware that Shihab has finished speaking and that now he has to implement his directives that he said in the form of threats and warnings. Whoever was writing is writing, holding his pen, writing on the paper in front of him, and whoever is writing on his tablet is tapping on his screen non-stop. The sound of their breathing is heard all over the hall. But no one speaks or pronounces a single letter.
Silence prevailed in the corridor leading to the editorial hall. Mustafa stood beside Samiha a few minutes ago, watching and listening to Shihab's words. When he stopped, Samiha reassured herself, believing that Shihab had left the place, and that she could pass through the hall as the only way to reach Noha's office to show her her new article, but Mustafa is more cunning than her. He expected that Shihab was still in the hall, otherwise why were those inside silent? Samiha moved quickly inside, Mustafa tried to stop her, but she surprised him and walked faster than he could catch up or stop her. Until now, he did not direct a speech to anyone in particular, and his words were general without mentioning names, but whoever enters now alone will listen to the lecture he gave a few minutes ago and give it to him alone.
Samiha was stunned when she saw Shihab Al-Baghdadli in his white shirt, black cloth pants, and black tie as well, standing in the middle of the hall with his arms folded and the sweat pouring from his face onto his chest. He looked at the file in her hand and said in a tone not without sarcasm:
- A plastic file.. Lady Samiha Al-Ashtari is carrying a file and a plastic file.. about you, lady.
He approached her and extended his hand close to her hand that had the file. She could only feel her hand shaking and give him the file. A shooting star made it in the shape of a cylinder and said while waving it in the air:
- What an honor, madam, you have granted me by allowing me to touch her chest of secrets.
He said it in a theatrical way that made everyone hold back their laughter, even Samiha, despite the embarrassment she is suffering now, almost burst out laughing.
Shihab al-Baghdadli, managing editor, does not stop shouting and yelling at anyone around him in the magazine building. His advice is golden and enforceable, even if you are not convinced or you are not in your abilities. There is something called luck in Shihab al-Baghdadli's dictionary. Success, according to him, is the result of an equation whose other side is the success of God, then diligence, work, struggle, perseverance and sweat. If you looked at it now, you would know the literal meaning of sweat in work.
He tells the story of his long struggle only to a few who he trusts and sees in them a glimmer of hope that they will be brilliant in the world of journalism. Noha Marjan is one of them. Perhaps she will tell her friend Samiha today after she leaves Al-Baghdadli's office crying.. Wait.. Will Samiha cry after leaving Shehab's office? And the answer, my dear; No; Rather, while she is in the office, when she is in the office, and after she leaves the office.

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