The hero

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Everything about him reminds her of a member of her family, his eyes remind her of Anna Tafeeda Hanim, his forehead reminds her of her uncle, even the long fingers of his hands remind her of her aunt Ilham Hanim, a pianist in the largest opera houses in Europe.

He was a living embodiment of all that was Turkish, of all that was beautiful from her days, unlike Nabil, who lacked nobility from her point of view. His fingers are short and rectangular, like the fingers of peasants. Despite his rural origins, Nabil does not look much like him. His hair is jet black, neither blond like hers nor chestnut like his father's. His eyes are neither green nor brown like Shawkat's eyes, but they are black as a trick inhabited by sadness mixed with anxiety.

Nabil felt alienated early in his father's house. He tried hard to win his mother's approval, but she was completely convinced that Ramy was enough and there was no need for more. He did not find anyone to support him in this house, as his father was busy with his work between trainings, maneuvers and projects, or in planning and meetings with seniors. The commanders of the armed forces, and during the short vacations they receive, are very longing for their garden, which is called Shweikar.

And because the great Rami Pasha al-Bunduqdari was a police judge who ruled an entire district, the second Rami must also be the security director of a province, and accordingly Rami will start the road from the first, a student at a police academy, then a police officer; The real practical way to be a new Rami Bandaqdari, and after exactly six months, he added a star to the one already on his shoulder to become a first lieutenant (may the world be), four years and added the third and became a captain and distinguished himself from his peers by winning all the internal equestrian championships, and winning the Republic championship more than once, And winning the African Championship two years before his martyrdom, and the bronze medal in the Olympics in the same year he was betrayed by the vicious hand of terrorism.

A hero lived, a hero died, and left Nabil a legacy of love that no one knows how to give him. He realized from the beginning that he was different from his brother, and made sure that the only way for him to be able to be in this house as an active member is to be an image of Rami, who can easily do what he does, train He is also into equestrian and horseback riding. He mastered this sport and suddenly felt that he loved it after his attachment to horses and his overwhelming love for them. He mastered playing the guitar, something Rami did not do, but Shweikar did not care much about this. Nabil was known among his peers as a loving (reading worm), but Types of culture, he reads in all fields, although what he likes most is history and philosophy. He wanted to gain a new land that his brother's feet had not trodden on, so he wrote his first novel while he was in the second year of secondary school, and it was published by a small publishing house, but it did not achieve much success, and to complete the fulfillment of his mother's desires, he decided to join In the police academy, too, he may be the director of security for a governorate and a source of pride for it.

He does not want to compete with Ramy in her love for him, nor does he seek victory over him in any field. All he wishes is for her to feel his presence and see in her eyes, even for once, a look of satisfaction for him.

Rami died and Nabil remained, and suddenly, without any introductions, he had to meet everything she was waiting for from Rami, he had to stop reading and focus on equestrianism, Rami won the bronze medal in the Olympics and was planning to get the gold in the next round, Nabil had to achieve this, it was one of Ramy is supposed to get married months after winning the gold medal, and Nabil must complete this path as well. She looked for a suitable bride for him from her point of view.

His life has turned into hell, he is now just a machine that implements her desires and requests, everything that will be assigned to him will have to be met quickly and in record time to compensate for the time they lost and the feelings they bled.

He strives to distinguish between his peers and precede them in promotions and to obtain excellent reports that qualify him to achieve her dream. He does not mind competing for all the world championships in equestrian sports. He really loves horses and loves life with them, even if he does not care much about championships, it is enough for him to feel friendship and mutual love in the eyes of his mare as dignity. And she throws her long neck on his shoulder and embraces him in true tenderness that compensates him for what he lost in his life, but he will compete fiercely to obtain all the medals, cups and shields in this sport.

But he cannot be just a stallion that fertilizes a woman of a special breed, carefully chosen by Shweikar Hanim and under the auspices of Shawkat Bey. These are things that seem acceptable and reasonable to him, but for him to be just a pollinator for a female whom she chooses according to her mood, then this is something he cannot accept.

He often deceives her requests. She asks him to stop reading and writing, and he makes her feel like agreeing and submitting to this, but she does not know about his secret meetings with his aunt's son, Noha. She recommends books to him, so he reads them, records his observations and reviews in a notebook designated for that, then discusses them about what he read, and with every discussion. She asks him to write an article about the book, evaluating it and refuting the ideas in the book, whether he agrees with it or disagrees with it. He does not know why his mother asked him to stop reading as long as he did not fall short in what she wished for in chivalry and work.

Shawkat did not answer his wife's question. He sighed warmly as he fanned the newspaper in front of his face, stirring the air. She put out the cigarette and repeated the question to him in a clearer and more direct form:

- What have you done in a noble matter?

Shawkat found no alternative but to answer:

- And what can I do, Shushu? My choice is a family that we cannot accept.

- What are you saying?! I am Shweikar Al-Bunduqdari, the daughter of lineage and genealogy. My grandfather was on the day of the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Sultanate, and my father was...

Shawkat interrupted her, trying to explain that he knows the history of her family, which extends from the Anatolian plateau, through the Fertile Crescent, to the Nile Valley, but what you do not recognize is that times have changed, and that the calculation and proportions now depend on your balance in banks, your projects and your capital, and in this case they are absolutely irrelevant to whom Her choice fell on her.

- Give me a little no.. I know the value of your family and their place in the history of the entire Arab region..

- and what?

- My medical condition is for me to marry my son to the daughter of Raafat Al-Jamil...

I interrupted him sharply:

- And who is Raafat El Gemayel?! Is it comparable to the least one in my family?! Wasn't an officer like you in the army serving with you in the same area?

- Yes, he was a general like me, but there is no room for comparison between us now.

- Why do you say that? Owns a fleet of vans? private plane? Doesn't matter... a partner in the largest cement factory in the Middle East? Villas and palaces in all of Europe? Does he know who will marry?

- Who?

- Shweikar Al-Bundaqdari Hanim.

He almost said to her, "Buzz" after a loud sound came out of his nose as a result of a sudden pull of air, but it was the effect of safety. Life always calculates in its own way and with what it likes. A stigma, and that they and their likes are hated by many segments of society who consider them thieves and intruders, but will Raafat Al-Jamil agree to this marriage, or in other words, will his only daughter agree to it? He is one of the ten richest men in Egypt and perhaps the first and most wealthy of them. His relationships are spidery in the world. Many rumors circulate around him that he created this wealth and economic empire from the arms trade, and from the commissions that he was and probably still is getting from many African and Latin countries. He is a friend. Old for him, the military uniform collected them for years, and the Chamber of Industry collected them for many years, but the difference is vast between them, they are similar in many things, he also lost his only son, but this time in a murder torarism.

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