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Suppose that Nabil went to the visit that his father would arrange, and when he got to know Yasmine, he liked her. If the specifications they say about her are real, then she must be gentle, an artist-painter with delicate feelings, and this is what he wishes for in the future wife. He had previously asked himself what he wished for in the future wife, and he did not He could give a clear answer to his question, but now he can know a partial answer to his question, which is that she has delicate feelings, and despite his supposed admiration for her, although he did not see her, he expected it; But maybe he doesn't like her, he's never been in love before, will he love her and it's a one-sided love?
He laughed at his assumptions, describing her as a teenager that he had not lived in a day. He got up and went to his wardrobe. He took off his shirt and pants and put on his pajamas. He made sure that his work clothes were clean, ironed, and tidy in their place in his wardrobe. He returned and sat on the edge of his bed. And he went back to complete his reading, he had almost passed the middle of it, the intensity of the events made him turn page after page until he finished reading it, he sat meditating and comparing between him and the protagonist of the novel (Ahmed), the two of them were driven by their fate without their will, Ahmed the protagonist got involved in a difficult task that he did not realize It is the same whether he did it in the best way or not, and so is the case of Nabil himself assigned to an almost impossible task, and his parents rely on his skill according to what they said, which they repeated one by one when they said: "By God, you and your smartness will remain."
Nabil grabbed a paper and a pen and without a quick review of the novel, it contains many short elements that will be the cornerstone of his article that he will write later and discuss Noha later, but now he must rest because tomorrow he will be handed over to the applicants for the position of a guard, and he must sleep immediately so that he is awake and calm while he exercises his job He used to have a good separation between his work and his private life.
Samiha started writing the opening statement for her article in the café, but she could not control herself. Her tears fell on the papers she was writing on. She cried silently as she tried to put what she felt into words. We often feel many things and search in our own language for suitable words to express them. It is always difficult and sometimes impossible to find those words that express our feelings, and this is not because there is no appropriate word that accurately describes those feelings, nor because we are ignorant of these words, but because our feelings control us and make our minds unable to work or choose, this is what they say Feelings, especially if they are conflicting, are what Samiha feels now and always.
Contradictory and conflicting feelings, she loves her father and brothers while feeling oppressed by them, she wishes them well and cannot agree with her, and although each one of them has a different personality and their treatment of her differs, they are all unanimous in treating her as an inflamed appendix in the body of the family that must be disposed of even if Surgical operation, since her birth and they uttered it, she remembers the stories of Naima, that old maid, who has been working in the house of Abdullah Al-Shutari for nearly twenty-five years, alone cut from a tree that does not care at all about how much they will pay her, all that matters to her is that she lives among a group of people They care about her if God takes her.
Naima came and lived, and there was only himself and his wife, Umm Samiha, in the house of Abdullah Al-Shutri, who was pregnant with her first son Khaled. Literally by Naima, she was the one who welcomed him as he slipped from his mother's womb while the midwife was busy pressing on his mother's belly.
Abdullah was happy with his new born and rejoiced in him. He embraced him and lavished upon the midwife and Naima. On the seventh day of Khalid's birth, he slaughtered two fat rams and performed an aqiqah, which was attended by the people of the neighborhood in which they lived. With the number of his family, he sent them sacks during the week.
Less than a month after Khaled was born, Abdullah was entrusted with the construction of public housing buildings from the subcontract. This task was the beginning of goodness for Abdullah. He was more optimistic about Khaled and named him (Wish Al-Khair). Ramziyeh Umm Khaled visited the doctor, Naima smiled at her and assured her that there was no need to visit a doctor, as it was clear that she was pregnant for the second time, and Naima was not disappointed. All signs of pregnancy began to appear on Ramzyah. Her nose and lips, her movement became heavy, but the house service was not affected by the presence of Naima, and the hour of birth came, Abdullah himself went and brought the midwife, and as happened in the birth of Khaled, it happened in the birth of Ramez, he named him after his mother's name to encourage her because she gave birth to him a second male, this time Abdullah slaughtered a calf, the people of the neighborhood ate from it, and he distributed some of its meat to the people of the neighborhood, and he distributed to the people of the neighborhood boxes of luxury chocolate and nuts and almonds.roasted.
And this was the last of their era in the neighborhood. A month after Ramez was born, they moved to a larger apartment in Maadi, and Abdullah bought a new model year car, and established a contracting company in a small office in the same neighborhood. Thus, the small family began a new life, in which Raghad promised them and did not break his promise. He expanded. Abdullah worked in a way he could not have imagined, and the office was the nucleus of an economic empire later.
Four years passed and Khaled joined the school. Signs of intelligence and genius appeared on him from the first day of his schooling. Like every child, he is the eldest. Intense and strong, which makes the supervisors of his upbringing at home more meticulous and focused with him.
After two years, Ramez joined Khaled at school, and the feeling of nausea returned to Ramsay. She did not need to go to a doctor this time, as she is now a woman with her experience. All she did was that she sent Naima to a nearby pharmacy and bought a pregnant test for her. She saw two red lines on it, she was happy and happy, so whenever she gave birth Abdullah had a son who was more attached to her, and as Naima always said to her: "He will overcome you with money, and you will overcome him with children." However, this time the matter is completely different, as life in Maadi is different from ancient Egypt, as there is no midwife, but there are doctors who specialize in this matter. Ramzia asked Abdullah for permission to visit a specialized doctor who agreed to take Naima with her on every visit.
Ramziyeh entered the examination room with Naima following her like a shadow, confused and frightened. The doctor asked her to sleep on the examination bed after he learned from her that she was pregnant and wanted to follow up on the pregnancy. Ramziyya became more confused. She was sleeping in front of an unwilling man. The doctor's assistant took him in the air. It didn't matter. Naima pushed her gently towards the bed. She stretched on it and Naima covered her with a white sheet. The doctor sat on a small swivel chair next to the bed and asked Ramzia to bare her stomach. ." Ramziyeh was slow in doing what the doctor ordered. He got busy scanning the sonar screen and turned his face away from Ramziyya as he spoke to her, saying:
- How old are you?
- Come thirty-five like this, Doctor.
- What God wills for you, and it is not clear to you sincerely..
Ramzieh was delighted when she heard the doctor's words of praise. She felt an affinity towards him that had not existed for a few seconds. The doctor continued his speech by asking:
- Is this your first pregnancy?
- No, this is the third, my brother.
- God willing, may God protect you.. And the two before that birth were normal?
- Oh, my brother, the woman, Umm Muhammad al-Daya, is the one who gave birth to me.
- Umm Ahmed, uh.. excuse me, I mean, in the next question.. which strands fell before that?
- No, my brother, evil fell far and wide.
- Bravo, very much.. How old are your children?
- I have Khaled, my eldest son. I hope to see him as a doctor like you in the third year of primary school, and Ramez in the first year.
- Uh, I mean, Khaled is almost nine years old, and Ramez is seven.
- Oh my brother like that.
The doctor turned to her while holding something in his hand and said to her:
- Your Honor, you will uncover your stomach, but you will remain covered with the sheet.
- And the Prophet, do you speak seriously, Doctor? can i see it?!
- Oh, I will show you, and I will take a picture of you, too.. Ha, Yalla?
- Come on, my brother, come on.. Help me, God, cover up, Naima.
Naima helped her carry out the doctor's request.Edit

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