Family's soul

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In her room, Nariman got rid of her clothes and remained almost without clothes except for her underwear that covers part of her breast and major private parts. She opened a medium-sized bag and placed it on the bed with a tablet computer next to her. The countries of the Mediterranean basin, then a half-hour break, during which Abdullah will meet with the chairman of the board of directors of a Greek pharmaceutical manufacturing company, in which they will exchange some pharmaceutical manufacturing files and an offer from Abdullah for partnership between them. The owner of the Greek factory buys ten percent of Abdullah's drug manufacturing factory. Abdullah buys the same percentage in the Greek factory, then a return to the conference sessions, after which a two-hour rest to eat lunch, during which a meeting will be interspersed with the CEO of a Ukrainian company for the manufacture of feed, in which the export of Ramez factory products to the Ukrainian company for packing animal wraps will be discussed, then a closing session for an hour, and so the day will end the officialFor the conference, but the work is not over yet, there is a director of a French company for the manufacture of iron and steel who asked to meet with Abdullah to be his exclusive agent in Egypt, and a work evening with the chairman of the board of directors of a French company for the manufacture and distillation of essential oils, he wants to agree in principle with Abdullah to invest in Egypt in a way A partnership to grow some types of aromatic plants in Egypt, where the weather is suitable for it, a field that he did not invade or understand, and he does not have any of his children who can replace him in this field, but Nariman indicated to him that this is at the heart of Yunus' field. He presented the idea to his son, and Yunus expressed his immediate approval And he actually started preparing the land and reclaiming it for cultivation, hoping that his father would succeed in this agreement, and if the agreement was not reached for one reason or another, he would himself extract those essential oils and open markets for them in Europe.
The first day of the conference will not be different from the second and third day, but it will be completely different from the fourth and final day. It will be just a closing session and recitation of the recommendations of the conference, after which Nariman and Abdullah will stay in Rome for three days of shopping, free tours and hiking. Together they will participate in Rome's shops, streets and cafes, and spend time The night together on a bed will not bear his memory of anything from them, just as Nariman does not bear from her husband.
Under a large canopy on the eastern side of the Grand Palace garden, which has an area of no less than ten acres, surrounded by a huge, high wall. Fruit trees, flower beds, and rose trees spread throughout the garden. The palace shone like a luminous jewel from the inside, and the lights that decorated the trees scattered everywhere reflected on it. Shweikar got out of her husband Shawkat's Mercedes car after Nabil opened the door for her. Shweikar walked steps on the lush green grass until she reached a paved walkway on both sides of which was a lighting system that dazzled her with its delicacy until she imagined herself Balqis walking towards the throne of our master Solomon, followed by Shawkat and walking beside her while looking around. Around him, he sees everything that his eyes reach in that vast garden, the large heart-shaped swimming pool that can accommodate more than fifteen people, a huge garage with more than seven cars of different types and sizes, including a speed racing car. Shawkat does not know why Raafat El-Gamil owns it; Perhaps somewhere in this park there is a private circuit in which he has driven a car like this, there and not
- Raafat Pasha is awaiting your Excellency's honor.
He said it and pointed towards the main door of the palace. This guard does not know how much time and effort Shawkat spent in order to obtain this interview. It is difficult to reach Raafat's private phone. After much effort, Shawkat was able to obtain the number of Raafat's business manager, who informed Raafat of the desire of the former Major General Shawkat to meet him in His house had a private meeting. The business manager tried to find out the reasons for the interview, but Shawkat did not give him a definitive answer. After Shawkat insisted, he informed the business manager of his desire, and Raafat agreed and invited him to dinner after knowing that it would be a family visit.
The guard arrived at the main door of the palace, seconds, and the door opened, and the house manager stood in front of the guests, wearing a black suit as well, a white shirt, a black bow, and white cloth jumpers. A large number of gilded salons, none of the guests had time to count them as they contemplated the huge hanging chandelier, which is no less than twenty-five meters in diameter, the luxurious carpets covering the shiny parquet floor, and the hanging oil paintings, all of which were signed by the beautiful Jasmine. Each person was fascinated by something. In particular, Shweikar was dazzled by the golden fountain encrusted with jewels and precious stones. Shawkat was dazzled by the interior staircase and its marble steps that are closer to transparent. As for Nabil, he was dazzled by the Belgian piano, which dates back to the seventeenth century, but still retains its splendor, as if it had just left its factory. Nabil asks in his mind:You see who played this masterpiece before, perhaps on this piano the British Royal Orchestra played Beethoven's Fifth Symphony He has a stray, and it is possible that he is a great author who owned this masterpiece. Nabil touched him as he passed by him. He felt a slight tremor as he imagined that one day there were the fingerprints of a great musician or author who also put his mark next to him.
The three guests dispersed on a sofa and a single seat in a salon chosen by the house manager himself. Nabil sat on the single seat, while Shweikar and Shawkat sat on the soft blue sofa. Shweikar touched the sofa's fabric made of a mixture of silk and soft velvet in a strange mixture. Slightly bent forward with his left hand behind his back:
- Raafat Pasha is going down now.. What would you like to drink before dinner?
Raafat looked at Shweikar, who seemed to be sweating, not because of the hot air, because the air in the entire palace is air-conditioned, but from the horror of what she saw in the garden and inside the palace, she did not imagine that there was someone living in such pomp, the last person she imagined living in a place like this was Khedive Ismail She was lucky and wandered into one of his palaces during her childhood. What she sees now is no less luxurious and splendid than what she saw in the Khedive's palace. All that is missing here is placing the upper family's crest on the doors and on the antiques and shelves so that this becomes one of the Khedive's palaces. Shweikar reunited herself and regained some of the Al-Bunduqdari family's soul:
- A glass of water, please.
- At the command of your honor, regret.. and your honor, Moon Bay.
The house manager said while respectfully nodding his head towards Shawkat who was hemming and saying:
- No thanks, I will drink with Raafat when he comes down.
- Under the command of your excellency, regret.. and your honor, Moon Bay.
- Thank you, I really don't need anything now.
- under your command.
He said it and walked away with steady steps with his back spread and disappeared. Shweikar whispered to her husband, Shawkat, who was sitting near her on the same sofa:
- What is this, Shawkat! I did not imagine that there are people who still live in palaces like this.. I thought that this was over a long time ago, after the fifty-two revolution.
Shawkat smiled while contemplating the inner staircase of the palace, on which the owner of this palace and his old colleague will descend:
- Every time has its kings, Shweikar.. At one time, a family remains the royal family.. At another time, it becomes an institution and remains as if it were the royal family.. And the third time, like the one we are in now, Raafat, and those like him, are the royal family..
- I'm ready on a flight path in the outside paradise..
She said this while laughing in amazement, but she had regained the blood of the Al-Bundaqdari family in her body.. She continued her speech, saying, directing her words to Nabil:
- Do you know, Nabil?
- Hey Mama...
- If this were not a fifty-two revolution, then we would have lived in a palace like this, and it could be bigger and more luxurious as well.. I wish to understand how they call it a revolution.. This is a coup...

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