6th of October City

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Noha felt the extent of Mustafa's confusion and floundering. She asked him to calm down now and think slowly, provided that he promises her that he will settle on a specific topic in which he finds passion and write about it. Mustafa promised her that and carried the file of his papers and left without saying hello. He was so absorbed in thinking that he did not even hear Faraj's call to him. In the editorial hall, and he left the magazine building. At the main door, he was met by Mona. She waved her hand and greeted him, but he did not hear her and continued on his way as if he were sleepwalking. Mona followed him with her eyes as he crossed the street and took a public bus heading to the pyramid. I was amazed at his behavior towards her. The lack of interest in her, and the fact that he was riding this bus heading to the pyramid while he lived in Shubra was more than amazing for her.
Mona got out of her astonishment when her mobile phone rang, she took it out of her handbag, looked at the screen to find her grandmother calling, she answered and reassured her that she had reached the magazine, this is how they used to do whenever either of them came out, she ended the call but her grandmother noticed that her voice had changed and that something was bothering her, she took care of everything This old woman knows what is going on in her mind from the look in her eyes and understands what she feels from the tone of her voice.
And before Mona returned the phone to her handbag, there was another call from Noha Morgan, urging her because she was too late for her appointment, which she had set herself to discuss the new topic that she wanted to investigate. I am sure that women's associations and women's rights will take great care of it, and it may become a "trend" in the coming period and for a long time, a great adventure that requires courage, good preparation and management, because it will not be easy while you are conducting an investigation in a sovereign ministry known for its strength and vigilance, and its employees at all levels are not underestimated.
A huge building whose facade is made of glass that reflects the blue of the sky above it, men of a private security company deployed around it and at its gate standing more than one in their uniforms, a Rolls-Royce car approaching from afar crossing a side lane of the highway, the car appearing from among the lush trees to stand in front of the building quietly, Some security men rush to open the back door of the car, and surround the one who is coming out of it. A beautiful young woman approaches him, wearing a uniform similar to that of the security men, except that she replaced the blue pants with a short pocket of the same color. She picks up a leather bag from the back seat, carries it, and walks in silence in the convoy behind him. The convoy approaches the The gate that opens automatically when he approaches, Abdullah Al-Shutari enters, behind him the young woman carrying the bag, while the security men remain outside on alert until Abdullah disappears inside the building, and they return to their places announcing the end of the state of emergency.
Saeed, one of Abdullah's assistants, approached him and saluted him with a broad smile on his face. Abdullah muttered incomprehensible words that Saeed considered as a response to his greeting. Saeed took the bag from the young woman and pointed to her with his head, so she turned it respectfully and put it back in. Saeed continued walking behind Abdullah until They arrived at the elevator, whose door was open, waiting for the owner of the purchaser empire. Abdullah entered and Saeed behind him. He pressed a button that closed the door and took the elevator with them to the sixth floor of the building. The door opened. Abdullah advanced and left with Saeed behind him, walking in a long corridor decorated on both sides with evergreen shade plants. Abdullah stood in front of a pot of them and pointed to Saeed at the leaves of the plant that had begun to turn yellow. He said to him:
- Where is the company responsible for this transplant?
- Exists, regret.
- When it is present, why does this implant die, and why does it not get stuck?!
Saeed faltered in answering Abdullah Al-Shutari's question, saying:
- Present, regret, we will contact them immediately, so they can change it.
Abdullah Saeed argued with an angry look and said to him in a tone with a lot of rebuke:
- I said they treat her.. and if I didn't talk, there is nothing for her to do for herself?! Amal, what do you take your salaries for?! I don't want to see anything like that again, Saeed, and this is the last warning.
Saeed shook his head in acquiescence, confusion controlling his steps, and slight spasms that hit his neck and hand. Abdullah continued walking, followed by Saeed in complete silence. Saeed thanked Allah when they passed by a window and his master did not notice the dust stuck to the frame of the window from the outside. Saeed took one step ahead and opened The door, Neriman stood with an official smile on her face, she bowed her head in salutation to Abdullah, who signaled to her with a light gesture of his arm as a kind of salutation, Saeed handed the bag to her and stood until Neriman opened the door to Abdullah's office room and entered and closed the door behind her, Saeed rushed out calling The company responsible for caring for the transplants inside and outside the company, and then he called the company responsible for cleaning the company. In less than an hour, there were more than one worker hanging on the plants with their tools to clean them, and a good number of agricultural engineers and many workers inspecting the conditions of trees, grass and plants inside And outside the building, and a special engineer for the cactus mountain, which contains a large number of its types Some of them are rare in Egypt, a plant that Abdullah loves, and no one knows why this thorny type of plant fell in love with him.
Abdullah sat behind his desk, Nariman put the bag on one end of the desk and she sat on the other side of it right in front of Abdullah, her hand caressing the locks of his hair while his hand was messing with her hair with longing.
Minutes later, Nariman came out, adjusting her dress. She sat behind her desk. She took out a mirror and a makeup box from the drawer, and began to fix what Abdullah had spoiled inside.
She put everything back in its place and closed the drawer. She picked up the company's internal phone and started calling the offices of Abdullah's three sons. She told the directors of their offices that Abdullah wanted the three after half an hour, at most, at the meeting table in his office.
Khalid, the eldest son, was the first to be present. He was a crowned king in the empire. He held almost all the playing cards in his hand. He supervised a company for the manufacture and extraction of plasma and blood derivatives, the largest in North Africa. Abdullah obtained a license for it and facilities worth millions of dollars in exchange for his obedience to the party's decision not to run. The House of Representatives, contrary to its will, has an economic reconciliation due to its political positivity. Khaled took over the supervision of its establishment and management, along with the Contracting and Real Estate Investment Company, whose main activity is as an engineer.
Khaled entered the meeting room only ten minutes after Nariman called his office manager. There was no one in the spacious room in the middle of which was a large rectangular meeting table surrounded by leather chairs from all four directions. He sat on a chair to the north of the main chair at the top of the meeting table, put the file The one in his right hand on the table, he moved it to the left a little and put his laptop in front of him and opened it waiting for the honor of his father, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Shutari Group. He looked at the huge chair on his right. This man suffered to become so rich, he witnessed a large part of his father's struggle when he was a small contractor taking some subcontracting work, but his great ambition, determination and high aspiration made that small company a giant edifice and the nucleus of a group of other companies in many different fields. Success belonged to Khaled from his father by inheritance, and was reinforced by the length of the ten years between them. He even worked hard. He joined the College of Engineering to help his father in the contracting company, which began to flourish with the construction of new cities. He finished his studies and joined the company under the management of Abdullah Abu. Science and practical experience combined together. The company developed and grew, and its capital doubled several times in less than five years. Ramez joined them. After he finished his studies at the Faculty of Science, a chemist and a new member of the family of Al-Shutari Company, he submitted to his father and brother a complete feasibility study for establishing a plastic textile factory. Abdullah entrusted his eldest son Khaled to verify the seriousness of the feasibility study. In a family session, Khaled Ramez discussed and approved the new project. A large plot of land in the 6th of October City, on which a small factory was built. It quickly expanded and grew to become one of the largest plastic and auto-packing factories in Egypt. It was managed by Ramez very professionally, and achieved great profits.

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