The Knight

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Signs of astonishment appeared on Nabil when he heard the number and asked him about the reason for its high prices in this way. He told him that it was very rare and very strong, then he continued his speech saying:
- Do you know, if God honored us and brought a girl, then the energy of fate would have opened up for us.. because this woman will be a bride, and if she enters an auction, she will become the bride of the auction
They returned to the stable, Nabil asked the veterinarian to give him Karama, he would not ride it but he would only walk with it, the doctor told Salem to prepare Karama to have some fun with Nabil, and Karama did come out, Nabil noticed that her stomach was swollen and big, he mentioned this observation to the vet, he laughed and said for him:
- The duration of pregnancy in horses is about 340 days, which means approximately eleven months, and hours reach up to ten months.. I mean, the effect of pregnancy begins to appear approximately from the sixth month.. and she is now in the late stages, so you will find her working like a cylinder like this, and then her stomach relaxes, which means she is ready to give birth.. Don't worry, Nabil Bey. We follow Karama well, and we make an account of every need, and may God honor us with it, God willing.
Nabil thanked the veterinarian and left him and went to where Karama was waiting for him. He opened the door of the circle surrounded by a wooden fence. He entered and closed it behind him. Karama hurried towards him and stood beside him. Nabil moved and Karama moved with the same number of steps as Nabil. He stood and walked backwards with his back. I did as he did. Nabil turned He turned around and I imitated his movement. Nabil repeated the previous steps several times and Karama imitated him each time. Nabil increased his speed by walking forward and backward and turning around himself. Karama also accelerated her steps and wrapped her around herself.
Salem and the veterinarian stood watching what was happening in front of them. They were like two dancers on a dance floor, dazzling the audience with the accuracy and detail of their steps. Tango dancers caught the eye with the sweetness and accuracy of their dance. The veterinarian did not control himself and applauded for their encouragement. Safar Salem Al-Sayes was also encouraging the dancers. Encouragement was ignited by Nabil and Karama's enthusiasm, as they took to showcasing their art. They indulged in their own art for a quarter of an hour, after which Nabil embraced Karama's neck and patted it gently and kissed her a lot. Nabil as a lover watering her lover from her love.
Nabil led Karama to her barn and stood next to her, touching her back and helplessness, then bid her farewell while thinking about himself and Karama. Nabil went to the club cafeteria, sat down and ordered a cup of coffee. He opened his small leather bag that he always hung on his shoulder or held in his hand; He took out the last issue of Akher Khabar magazine. He looked at the investigations section looking for a new investigation of his breastfeeding sister and his cousin Noha Morgan, but he did not find anything new for her, but he found an investigation by Mona Abu Zaid. He turned the page with the investigation, but he remembered that Noha told him that There is a new female journalist who is shining in the investigations department, and she recommended her to him to read her investigations, so he returned to the required page and started reading the article while sipping his coffee.
He finished reading the investigation and made several notes on the margins of its pages. He put the magazine back in the bag and went back to thinking deeply and comparing himself to Karama. He felt that he had lost his dignity. He was no different from that beast he was dancing with a short while ago. He really loves Karama, but in the end she is a brainless animal. Its Creator did not assign it, and He assigned it. It is true that he read a lot about this matter of assignment, and scholars and philosophers differed about it, and they did not agree on a single opinion about what the assignment is and what it is, but in the end it differs from the animal even if it does not realize what the assignment is.
He did not find a difference between him and the beast, his owner controls him as he wants, drives him to pasture whenever he wants, brings him home when he wants, enters his barn when he likes and takes him out of it when he wants, everything is based on his thinking and belief, and the beast has no hand in his life, and he cannot He made one decision, and when the owner of the beast wants to preserve his breed, he brings a female to him if he is male or vice versa, and after the goal has occurred, the second party is removed from him after the end of the task, but in the end he is a sterile animal harnessed to this, and here is the vast difference between him and dignity, which is She did not choose to be her husband for hours, Abyan and not from another breed, but at the same time she does not care about these formalities.
Here he is, recently, his owner, Shweikar Al-Bunduqdari, decides for him to marry, and her co-owner, Major General Shawkat, agrees with her. They agree and plan his life for him as they wish. They decided to marry him to the painter of her father, a businessman, and he was waiting for him to agree without thinking or objecting. They mistook him even if With a little information about her, he did not know her name or see her picture, or recognize her personality even from a social networking site, nothing is known about her except that she paints, and her father is a businessman, is this information sufficient for any human being to succeed directly?
He asked for another cup of coffee and decided to stop thinking and enjoy his day in the club. He drank the second cup of coffee and then went to watch the exercises of some of the knights present in the club today. A blond stallion sauntered over him with a female rider riding on him. Jumping over it, she would calculate the distances between each barrier and the other and count the steps as she used to get used to and get her stallion back on the floor of the arena even though he walked on it hundreds of times, but it is a tradition followed and a passage of time to link and create the required harmony between the knight and his horse. next to a barrier, as if to give him a signal that there was something here worth paying attention to.
Everyone who deals with horses knows and recognizes the amount of its intelligence, and by the measure of human intelligence, the horse's intelligence reaches the intelligence of a three-year-old child, which means that it is considered very intelligent compared to other animals. Nabil sat watching the maneuvers of the jockey with her horse before she started training them to jump barriers, moments later The jockey led her blond horse towards the start, the jockey straightened her horseback, straightened her back, took a deep breath and then immersed the horse in order to move, she moved between barriers, the horse jumped over it, the horse tried to rebel against her, but she pulled her bridle, imposing her personality on him, the horse obeyed his lady and obeyed the tugs of his bridle, The horse was of the huge English type, and despite its strength and enormity, it was like a small child in the hands of its teacher. She pointed to him to the right, so he headed to the right without thinking or objection. The rider trusts the obedience of her horse, and the horse trusts the wisdom of his rider. This is how the successful relationship between the knight and his horse.
Do you see that there could be a relationship similar to that of a knight with his horse between him and his wife? He does not want her to obey him just because he is her husband, but because she trusts him and knows that he only seeks her interest.
Nabil believes that he will not be able to tame his wife, he does not have the confidence to qualify him for that, his simple experiences in life and despite the roughness of his job and his dealings with a dangerous group of society, he is unanimously agreed by all those who work with him with very good intentions and this is considered an insult without praise in a job such as Which he occupies as a police officer, and despite what they say about him, they use him a lot to solve the mysteries of cases that seem dark to them, he sits among the investigation papers and may request a re-interrogation of one of the accused while he is present for this investigation, as he has a strange ability to read body language, a skill he learned from His aunt Shams, and despite the purity of his bed, which is considered a major defect in this profession, he has a sharp intelligence and an amazing ability to link events to each other, derive judgments and fill in the gaps between the events of those cases, so he tells them his opinion in those cases, on the basis of which they write memorandums to transfer the accused to the Public Prosecution to complete Case procedures.

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