Chapter Two-Alert

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Terra yawned, stretching her arms out, slowly remembering the events of last night. She looked down to see Beastboy underneath her, in nothing but the sheets. She smiled to herself and got out of bed, slowly putting her clothes back on.

"Hey sunshine, why are you getting out of bed? I could really go for a round two", Beast Boy winked, trying to pull Terra back in to bed.

"Sorry BB, we gotta get up, we never know when the city might need us", Terra responded, clipping her bra on.

With that, Beast Boy got out of bed and dressed himself in his normal outfit and they both headed towards the common room. The faint scent of pancakes was coming from inside when they walked in.

Cyborg was finishing flipping pancakes while Raven was making her herbal tea, while Starfire and Robin were nowhere to be seen. They were an interesting duo, it was obvious they both liked each other, but they tried to keep their emotions hidden.

"I MADE PANCAKES!" Cyborg yelled, causing Raven to flinch and spill a little of her tea. "Everyone gather around the kitchen table, Star and Rob can get some later if they want any."

They all gathered around the table, except for Raven, who quietly left for her room. She was so weird, she never wanted to do anything with Terra since she came.

He gobbled down his food, thankful that for once, Cyborg had made a meal without meat in it somewhere. As he got up to put his plate away, Robin walked in, still in his pajamas. Usually Robin was up bright and early to do training, but apparently not today.

"Morning guys", he yawned, reaching for a plate of pancakes. "What a relief it was to not have to fight at all yesterday." Instead of going to sit at the table, he stretched out on the couch and ate his breakfast.

Starfire came in next and she seemed really happy today, she had a bright smile on her face and looked well rested, unlike the rest of us.

We were all laughing and talking until we heard the Crime Alert go off, Robing jumped up to check and his eyes darkened.

"It's Slade."

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