Chapter Twenty-Goodbyes Are Always the Hardest

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Raven woke up in a dark room. The smell of ocean water was all around her, and she was shaking due to the cold air. She stood up and tried to et an understanding of where she was. Her eyes slightly adjusted and she could see the outline of a cave. She put a hand to the cold cave wall and followed it, hoping that she was getting closer to the exit and not further into this mysterious cave.

After walking for quite a while, she saw a faint light in the distance. With hope filling her heart, she ran towards it. Once arriving to the source of the light, she realized that she did not get out of the cave, but she was in a room. It was empty except for a door at the opposite end of it. She contemplated whether or not she should go through it, but she decided it was her best bet to make it out of that place.

As she was walking, the lights went out, and she was surrounded by darkness. She continued to move forwards to the door, but once she reached the handle, it was locked. She sighed in frustration and turned around, deciding she would find another way out. But when she turned around, she realized she was not alone. A certain red demon stood in front of her, his four eyes glowing.

"Father?" Raven took a step towards him, indicating that she would not back down from him again.

"My dearest Raven. Good to see you again. We will be seeing each other a lot soon. I am happy to pay you a visit."

Raven stood with a hand to her mouth. Her demonic father was going to come to Earth, at least he would if she was there. She would had to leave, so he would never find her or her friends.

Suddenly, a blinding light went off, and when she opened her eyes, she saw pink carpet. Looking around, she remembered that she had fallen asleep in Starfire's room the previous night.

When she looked out the window, it was still dark out, and the electric clock next to her friend's bed said it was only three in the morning.

She quietly got up and headed for the door. She had to leave this place, even if she didn't want to, even if she loved her friends. She was doing this because she loved her friends.

She slowly opened the door and headed towards her own room. She put her key code in and quickly slipped in. She grabbed a few spell books and a spare change if clothes. After being completely packed, she headed towards Robin's room.

She had to tell him she was leaving. He would try to stop her, she just knew it, but she would leave.

She lightly knocked on the door, and surprisingly, he opened it. His hair was a mess and it looked like he had been up for a while. She ignored the strange state he was in and cut straight to the chase.

"I'm leaving."

"Huh? What?! Why?!" He didn't have his mask on, but his eyes were wide enough to be the same size of his usual mask.

"My father has returned. It will only be temporary", she lied, trying to get this grueling moment over with.

"You can't leave! We can help you!" He was practically shouting at her.

"You can't stop me, I'm going. And tell Star to drink coffee tomorrow morning."

"Please Raven, we can help you. And what?" The look on his face told her that he was very confused with the last part she said.

"I'm sorry Robin." With that, she used her energy to push him back and create a portal behind her. "Goodbye, tell them I'm sorry." And with that, she was gone.

Robin was left just staring at the spot where his teammate had vanished.

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