Chapter Twenty Three-Only One Way

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Raven was shaking, Beast Boy couldn't tell if it was because she was scared or weak, but either way, he took her hand and sat her down on the couch.

"Wait, say this again, what happened?" She was still shaking, but she seemed to be getting more relaxed.

"My father. He destroyed Azerath. He killed my mother, right in front of me." A single tear escaped her eyes. Beast Boy wiped it off of her cheek and she didn't push him away.

"Why did you go to Azerath in the first place? We've missed you here." He gave her a small smile, but she didn't return it.

"I had to leave. I'm sorry. My father had come to me in a dream all those months ago and told me he would hurt whoever was around me. At first I assume he just meant the team, but after Azerath, I'm positive that he will hurt anyone that I am near." She put her head in her hands, her now long
hair flowing around her.

Beast Boy was taken aback. So that was why she left a year ago. It wasn't because of him showing up to the bar late. It was because she wanted to protect them.

He had just now noticed that her leotard was ripped. It was the same kind she normally wore, but the sleeves were ripped off, like she had been fighting someone. She had scratches all alone them, and also on her pale legs.

"Raven, did he hurt you too?" Beast Boy asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"He'll do anything to see me suffer." She said, straightening her back and looking Beast Boy in the eyes. "He's going to hurt all of you as long as I'm still here. There's only one way he won't hurt anyone else."

She stood up and walked in front of him. "I have to die."

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