Chapter Nine-Goodbye

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Terra smiled at Beast Boy when he told her the news. "I'm happy that you guys would be willing to let me join the Teen Titans again, but I can't. I love all you guys, but I'm scared of what Slade could make me do to you again. If I'm on my own, maybe I could escape him and you would all be safe." She said, slowly getting up off the bed.

"But Terra, we could be together again!" Beast Boy exclaimed, putting a hand on her shoulder. She shook him off and headed towards the exit, grabbing her leather bag as she left.

"This is how it will have to be for a while Beasty, I'm sorry, I'll miss you." And with that she was off.

Beast Boy stood in front of the front door of the Titans Tower. She left him, she left him again. She CHOSE to leave him this time. Should he even wait for her?

He walked back to his room and decided that he wouldn't be held down by Terra, he would be a free man, and he would do that by going out tonight.
Beast Boy had gotten changed out of his everyday uniform into some jeans and a red shirt. He then went over to his messy dresser and picked up his ring. This ring would protect his identity and make him look like a regular person.

He put the ring on and watched himself transform from a green boy to a blonde, tan looking man. Robin had gotten these rings for them, he had a thing with keeping their identities hidden, and the best part was that you would never look the same each time, so Beast Boy didn't know what to expect. He was just happy he looked good. He smiled at himself in the mirror and waited in his room until he sensed all of the Titans had fallen asleep.

After about thirty minutes, all of their heart rates had slowed, something he could sense, and quietly walked out of his room. He rode the elevator downstairs and walked out into the fresh September air.
As he walked over to the bar down the street, he came up with a good name for himself. Although his real name was Garfield Logan, that usually didn't attract the ladies so much. In the end he decided to go with Mark Logan. The last name didn't matter much anyways.

He sat at the bar, looking around for someone he would want to talk to. None of the girls caught his attention, most of them were playing with their hair and acting dumb around other guys. That was so not his type.

Suddenly, a beautiful brunette girl walked in and took a seat next to him.

"A shot of vodka please." She said to the bartender. He nodded and went to get her drink.

"That's some strong stuff."He said, smiling at the girl next to him.

"I'm a strong girl." She said plainly. the bartender brought her her drink and she gulped it down with some lime.

Beast Boy was impressed with this girl, she wasn't like all the other girls in there drinking their fruity cocktails.

"A bad break up huh?" She said looking him in the eyes. "I can tell from the way you're looking at me, you look upset."

He was taken aback by her comment. Was it really that obvious that he had broken up with Terra? He decided to not let that get in the way of the night.

"I'm just a guy in a bar." He said, smiling at the mystery girl.

"And I'm just a girl in a bar." She said, smiling back.

He knew he was going to have fun talking to this one, and he did, they talked all night long.

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