Chapter Three-Gone

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The Titans rushed out of the tower and towards the docking area, where the alert said Slade would be. Beast Boy, Starfire, and Raven were flying, while Robin, Cyborg, and Terra rushed off in the T-Car.

Once they arrived, Slade was nowhere to be seen, so Robin decided to split them into group so they could look faster.

"Cyborg and Terra, you head West, Starfire and I will head North, and Raven and Beast Boy, you head to the East." Robin said, already heading his direction.

Raven and Beast Boy headed East, searching through the huge crates that could possibly contain Slade or his robots.

Beast Boy was a huge talker, but Raven never seemed to want to talk, and she definitely didn't like his jokes. But being the kind of person he was, Beast Boy started up a conversation.

"So...can't believe Slade's at it again, am I right?" he asked, rubbing his arm. This was so awkward.

Raven just sighed and continued to look straight ahead. Suddenly, the ground started to shake and crumble apart.

Beast Boy tried to turn into a bird, a bug, anything, but his powers wouldn't work, and he soon realized that Raven's didn't either.

He grabbed on to Raven's cloak and searched for something stable to hold on to in his other hand, but there was nothing to save them from tumbling into the abyss below.

They fell down and down, getting closer to their demise each second, Beast Boy shut his eyes and hoped for a quick, and painless death as the air rushed past his ears, until suddenly, he stopped falling.

He looked down and realized that he and Raven had fallen into a force field like sphere. It was orange and see through and when he looked up, he saw Slade staring right at them. But he wasn't alone, there was a girl next to him.

That girl was none other than Terra.

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