Chapter Fourteen-Secrets?

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As Beast Boy woke up from his useless sleep, the time on his clock read 12:00. He usually was a late sleeper, so this didn't bother him much. Until he realized it was midnight and not noon.

He slapped a hand to his forehead and laid back down on his pillow, but it was no use, we was fully awake.

He could sense that everyone around him was asleep so he decided to just go and play video games in the common room.

He walked down the hall and past Raven's room, sensing her slow heart rate, meaning that she was asleep. Her room was the only room he had to pass in order to get to his destination, so he didn't worry much about waking anyone up.

Once he sat down on the couch and got his game controller, he decided to play some game involving aliens and having to kill them all before they could take over the Earth. He lazily got up and put the game in the console and turned the T.V. on, and then returned to sit back on the couch.

The game turned on and it started in a dark room, he easily got through the first few stages but continually failed at the halfway checkpoint.

With all his attention put into getting his character through the abandoned warehouse, he didn't notice someone else walk in to the room.

"Beast Boy?" The voice said, it was definitely Robin's voice, "Where were you today during training?"

Beast Boy knew he couldn't get away that easily, after all he knew that they had training every weekend from four p.m. to six p.m. "Um...sorry Robin, I was a little tired, so I kind of slept through it."

"You slept through it? How could you sleep through it? You sleep until noon everyday anyways. How could you still be tired by then?" The annoyance was very clear in Robin's voice, the leader didn't like anyone to miss combat training, he believed it was the most important thing in a fight.

"I kind of didn't get any sleep last night..." Beast Boy trailed off, not wanting to reveal Raven and his experience. It wasn't like they did anything bad, but he didn't want Robin to tease him about a crush like he knew Cyborg would.

"Well, don't let it happen again." Robin grabbed a water from the fridge and walked out of the common room.

Beast Boy sighed out of relief and went back to playing his video game. If he were to ever admit how much he likes Raven, he was sure that both Cyborg and Robin would make fun of him. He was willing to do that for Raven, but he didn't believe she felt the same way.
Raven yawned and sat up in her bed. She glanced at the clock next to her bed and the hands pointed to 6:30 a.m. She naturally woke up early to meditate, and since her emotions had been pretty crazy lately, she wasn't happy that she woke up half an hour late.

She got out of bed and grabbed a leotard and cloak from her closet. She then proceeded to walk into the bathroom that was connected to her room and take a shower.

After she was done with her shower and had her new clothes on, she left her room and headed towards the common room.

The tower was pretty quiet except for the noise coming from the television. She quickly walked into the kitchen area of the common room and made her daily cup of herbal tea. Once the pot began to steam, she poured her tea and sat down at the table. After this she would meditate and make sure she was calm for the day.
Beast Boy had quit playing video games earlier that morning, he still couldn't pass the halfway checkpoint. He was going back to try again when he woke up from his nap, he would pass that level this time.

The tower was still very quiet, like it was that morning as he walked to the common room. When he walked in, he saw Raven meditating near the window. It was getting cool outside, so he saw why she wouldn't want to go out on the roof. He could see the reflection of her face in the window and she looked absolutely stunning. She looked calm and at peace, that was, until the Crime Alert went off.

He saw Robin and Starfire run in, still in their pajamas. Behind them was Cyborg, who appeared to be fully charged.

"Who would be terrorizing the city at this hour?" Starfire asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm not sure, but we better change into our clothes quickly if we want to make it in time." Robin and Starfire quickly ran back, and Robin signaled for the other three to head towards the scene of the crime.

Raven flew while Beast Boy turned into a pterodactyl and carried Cyborg with him. Once they got to where the criminal was, they discovered that the H.I.V.E was stealing money from a local bank. Cyborg went to go fight Mammoth, Raven took Jinx, and Beast Boy went after Gizmo.

Robbing a bank was below these criminals, they were really powerful villains, yet they still robbed banks. It didn't make sense. Beast Boy morphed into a bird to fly around Gizmo and started pecking at his head, trying to get him to fall off of his robotic spider legs.

Once Starfire and Robin got to the scene, they took over for Beast Boy in trying to defeat Gizmo. Beast Boy looked around for Raven or Cyborg, and saw Raven fighting Jinx. She kept trying to kick Jinx, but Jinx was able to dodge each time. Raven didn't seem to notice Jinx enchanting a telephone line behind her, but Beast Boy did.

Jinx backed up from Raven, acting as if she had lost the battle, but once Raven turned around, she saw that Jinx had won. The telephone line behind her was too close for her to fly out of, and she couldn't make a portal because she was frozen to the spot.

She thought that this was the end, at least she would go down being a hero, being a Teen Titan. At least she did good. She felt something hit her and tackle her to the ground, knocking the breath out of her, but it wasn't a telephone line, it was a green boy. He put his body over her and shielded her as the telephone line came crashing down, shattering windows and breaking buildings.

Raven gasped as she saw the debris flying down about to hit Beast Boy. This time, she didn't freeze, and immediately put a protective shield above them. Once the noise stopped, she removed the shield and sighed in relief, they were okay.

The slowly sat up and Raven put a hand to her head, she had hit it pretty hard when Beast Boy pushed her out of the way. He put a hand out to her and slowly helped her up, but she was so out of energy from hitting her head and using such a strong shield, she almost collapsed to the ground. Beast Boy helped her up and placed an arm beneath her knees and on her back, while she put her arms around his neck.

They looked around and saw that the other Titans were perfectly fine and the H.I.V.E. had left, leaving the money behind.

Robin nodded to him, indicating it was okay for Beast Boy to take Raven back to the tower. He became a pterodactyl and carefully flew her back home, hoping that she would be okay.

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