Chapter Seventeen-She's back?

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Raven walked back to her room, thinking about her talk with Robin. She had just admitted that she loved Beast Boy, not only to herself, but also to the leader of the team. She knew he wouldn't tell Beast Boy, but would she.

She knew she wouldn't purposely tell him, but with Love in control, she didn't know what would happen.

She was so immersed with her thoughts, she didn't see the person in front of her, and she ran right into them. She looked down and saw that she had fallen on top of Beast Boy. Her face immediately went from a pale shade to bright pink. She was so embarrassed.

She quickly got up and off of him and he also picked himself up off of the ground. Raven pulled her hood over her head and muttered "Sorry." before turning towards her room.

After closing her door and sitting down at her desk, she closed her eyes and put her head in her hands. An internal conflict was raging in her head-if she told Beast Boy about her feelings and he didn't feel the same way, she would totally have embarrassed herself. If he felt the same way, she would have to constantly control her emotions. On the other hand, if she didn't say anything, Love would get stronger and make it harder each day to control her emotions. This was too much stress so Raven so she got up to leave her room and make some tea.

She was surprised to see that she was the only one who hadn't been in the common room. She saw Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy all crowding around somebody. She walked around to get a closer look at what they were looking at and discovered it wasn't a 'what', but a 'who'. Terra was in their tower. She was back.
Beast Boy had been walking to the front door when he heard someone ring the bell. He wasn't paying attention until he fell on to the floor and looked up, Raven was on top of him. A blush crept on to her face and his, luckily his green skin helped to hide the blush. He looked into her amethyst eyes and thought how beautiful they were, but they quickly disappeared as she got up and shoved her hood over her head.

He got up a second later and watched her walk back into her room. He stood there for a while until he remembered what he was supposed to be doing. He walked to the elevator and hit the button to go to the bottom floor. Hopefully whoever rang the bell wasn't impatient with him.

When he got there he opened the door to see a smiling Terra. He was surprised that she was back, she had said she didn't want Slade to hurt the team again.

"Beast Boy!" Terra screamed, putting her arms around his neck. He was too surprised to hug back and pulled her away from him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, looking into her blue eyes.

"I can do it, for you. I can stay away from Slade. I can make sure, and if anyone tries to get me to go to the bad side, I'll make sure you know, so we can be together." She threw her arms around him once again and he mindlessly hugged her back.

What had changed her mind? Why was she so suddenly okay with being a Teen Titan? She would do this all for him? All of the questions and more went through his head as Cyborg walked into the entrance hall and saw them standing there.

"Terra's back?" He asked, not sounding too pleased, but happy enough.

"I guess so?" I said, pulling away from the hug.
We had brought Terra to the common room, where we were greeted by Starfire and Robin.

"Friend Terra you are back!" Starfire exclaimed while clapping her hands together. I took a step back from the blonde girl while Starfire came up and gave her a bone-crushing hug.

"Yeah Starfire. You can let go now...can't breath." Terra said in a strained voice.

"Oh, sorry friend!" Starfire said, pulling back and standing next to Robin who just nodded.

We hadn't noticed the last member of the team walk into the room with wide eyes, looking right at Terra.

Raven saw her for one second and quickly walked to the exit, probably heading back to her room.

As the other members of the team also departed, I looked at the girl I had loved long ago, but I didn't feel the butterflies I once had. She wasn't the same Terra I remembered, and she never would be.

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