Chapter Twenty Four-We Can Help!

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"No Raven! You can't die! We just got you back!" Beast Boy had stood up and tried to reason with her.

"If I want you all to be safe, it is the only way." She looked down as tears pooled in her amethyst eyes.

"No, we can defeat your father. We can stop him from torturing you. This way we could all survive and be happy." Beast Boy looked at her with pleading eyes.

Raven looked into his eyes, and neither of them spoke for a moment, but right as Beast Boy was about to speak, Raven crashed her lips onto his'. He was startled at first but quickly melted into the kiss.

Raven broke away first, "Sorry, I've been wanting to do that for the longest time." Her face was a bright pink.

"It's okay, so have I." Beast Boy grinned with a blush creeping into his face.

"If you think that we can defeat my father, how do we plan on doing it?" Raven asked, interested in keeping her friends safe.

"Well, we can call the others and tell them you're home. Then, we can find your father and beat the crap out of him. Then we win and you can stay alive."

Raven raised an eyebrow, "it's going to be a lot harder than that, but I suppose we could try, as long as nobody gets hurt."

With that, Beast Boy took out his communicator and woke up everyone in the Tower, telling them to come to the common room.

Starfire was the first there, and when she saw her friend, she screamed and hugged Raven in a way that almost looked painful.

"Hey keep it down in here. I'm still tired." Cyborg complained, being the second to walk in. "Raven? Raven you're back!" Cyborg came over and gave the girl a brotherly hug.

The last to enter was Robin, who just looked at Raven and gave her a small nod.

Beast Boy sat them all down to tell them why Raven left and how they were going to stop her father, Raven staring at him the whole time.

After he was done telling everyone, they planned to get started in the morning, they all needed their rest after all.

Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy left to go to their rooms and left Robin and Raven in the common room.

"I'm glad you're back, the team hasn't been the same without you." Robin said, putting a hand in the girl's shoulder.

"I think you guys would be fine without me. You would be fine without me. Beast Boy would be fine without me..." Raven trailed off, trying not to bring attention to the Beast Boy subject.

"Listen, Raven. I know that you like to make boundaries. I know that you may even have to because of your emotions. At some point, you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out, they fence you in. Life is messy. That's how we're made. So you can waste your life drawing lines... or you can live your life crossing them. But there are some lines... that are way too dangerous to cross. Here's what I know: If you're willing to take the chance, the view from the other side... is spectacular." Robin said, "I told Starfire about how I felt a couple of days after you left, and that was definitely a line I'm happy I crossed."

Raven looked up at him, "You're right." She sighed, "I'll go to my room and think about it some more. Maybe I'll cross that line one day."

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