Chapter Four-Betrayal

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"Terra? What are you doing here? Where's Cyborg?" Beast Boy asked, trying to move around in the bubble to better see his girlfriend.

Terra looked at him, "I don't know Beastie, we got split up..." she twirled a strand of her golden hair around her finger.

"He's fine", Slade said, "but you two aren't. You get to be our bait. So, enjoy being in this bubble while you can, you'll wish you got to stay in it after we're through with you."

With that, Slade and Terra were off, laughing as they exited the cave room. Raven squirmed out from under Beast Boy, trying to catch her breath.

"I knew it." is all she said as she pressed herself against the glass like structure, trying to find a way out. Beast Boy was silent, his girlfriend had been working with Slade. His girlfriend had been working WITH SLADE. Their worst enemy, this was the biggest betrayal he had ever felt, and although he tried to hold it in, he couldn't hold back the tears, they came silently and slowly, until he was having a fit.

Raven wasn't one to comfort people in times of need, but this was different. "Hey it's okay, we'll get out of her and find the others." This didn't help much, but Beast Boy's crying had slowed down a little.

Since there was not much more to say, Raven went back to trying to break their bubble, but again, she could not succeed.

After nearly giving up, Raven remembered that she had her communicator on her belt and immediately tried to call Robin, Starfire, or Cyborg to warn them about Slade and Terra. Once Robin finally picked up, she told him the whole story, from them leaving the other Titans, to falling through the ground, to seeing Terra and Slade.

His face showed surprise as did Starfire's because she was with him, and he promised to call Cyborg and then search for the two missing teammates.

"Okay, we just need to survive long enough until they find us", Raven sighed, trying to comfort Beast Boy. She wasn't one who dealed with emotions much since they negatively impacted her powers, but since her powers were drained from her, she tried to make Beast Boy feel better by patting his back as he slowly fell asleep.

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