Chapter Fifteen-Okay?

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Beast Boy knew that Raven could heal herself, she was a strong girl, but he still worried for the half demon that he carried into the tower's infirmary. He hated to see her in pain and was careful to lay her down on one of the beds in the room. Her powers made her levitate as she healed herself, and he decided to sit in a chair across from the bed and wait for her to wake up.

He tapped his knee and watched her violet hair float around her head. Her hair was short like it always was and he found that he really liked it. The room was silent since she didn't need to be hooked up to a monitor-as long as her healing powers were working, she would be fine.

Soon after, the remaining three Titans walked into the infirmary. Starfire ran up to Raven's bead and put a hand to her mouth, she always worried about Raven.

"Will friend Raven be okay?" Starfire asked, holding one of her friend's hands in her own.

"She'll be okay Star, what we really need to worry about is the H.I.V.E. Jinx came to kill this time, so we have to assume the other two were out for blood as well." Robin said, running a hand through his hair. "This is a new move for the H.I.V.E., so now we have two main enemies we need to keep under surveillance, them and Slade."

Cyborg nodded and the two walked out, probably planning to work out and idea to find the enemies. Starfire stayed and continued to sit by Raven's side, watching the girl's chest rise and fall. You had to admire how much she cared about her friends, she acted as if Raven were he sister.

Beast Boy stayed on the chair across from her bed for a while, determined to be there when she woke up. After an hour, Starfire left the room to go check on Robin and Cyborg, and Beast Boy continued to watch Raven to make sure she was still healing herself.

As Raven slowly fell down onto the bed, Beast Boy jumped up and went to her side to make sure she was okay, but he discovered that she had finished healing herself. Her eyes slowly flickered open and she looked around the room until her eyes met Beast Boy's. He smiled when he saw that she was okay.

"What happened?" Raven asked, trying to sit up. "My head is killing me." She put a hand on her head.

"Jinx kind of tried to kill you." He said, scratching the back of his head.

"Well there's really no nice way to put that." Raven sighed, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. They were now looking straight at each other, their bodies only a foot apart.

The lamp on the bedside table exploding, causing shards of glass to fly everywhere. Raven put her hood up, standing up off the bed.

"Sorry, my powers are probably going crazy because of the accident." She quickly walked out of the infirmary, leaving Beast Boy to his thoughts.

Her powers usually only acted up when her emotions were out of control. Maybe she was angry about the fight they had had earlier. Whatever it was, Beast Boy decided to brush it off and walk towards his room.

He thought that Raven and him had been becoming better friends, but now she seemed to be brushing him off. He would talk to her later, but for now he would sleep and try to get his energy back from the fight and anxiety that came with making sure Raven was okay.
Author's Note:Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, and I know it's midnight right now but, I know that I read BBRae fanfics at twelve a.m. So why shouldn't you...? Hopefully I'll be updating soon.

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