Chapter Eighteen-Pick Me

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Raven walked back to her room, disappointed after seeing Terra. Beast Boy would obviously be happier with the blonde anyways. Raven was just some creepy half-demon who nobody really liked.

After closing the door, she slid down to the ground, pulling her knees up to her chest. Everything she ever loved was taken from her. She had to leave her beloved home of Azarath to keep it safe from her wretched father. She let a single tear escape her eye but then quickly wiped it away, even though she was alone, you should never show weakness.

It didn't matter that Terra was back, it wasn't like she was actually going to tell Beast Boy about her feelings for him. Or was she?

The stress never ended, and since she didn't want to face Terra or Beast Boy, she decided to meditate rather than make some tea.
Beast Boy was sitting with Terra on the couch, tuning out her rambling on and on about how happy she was to be back. The whole time he kept thinking about how much happier he would be if he were talking to Raven instead.

He tried to shake the thought out of his head. She didn't like him in any way, they were barely friends. Plus, he shouldn't do this to Terra, if he was going to be with her again, he shouldn't be thinking of Raven all the time.

"I'm so glad I'm back Beasty." She said, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I was thinking of maybe a welcome home gift?" She said raising an eyebrow.

Before he could think about what was happening, she quickly pulled him to his room and locked the door.

"Um Terra, we've barely been together for thirty minutes. Isn't this a little rushed?" He asked, trying to stop this before it happened.

"Well we love each other BB, so it's okay." She said, trying to pull his shirt up.

"Maybe another time", he tried, pulling his shirt back down,"I don't feel so good." He pretended to feel sick by holding his stomach.

"Fine. Maybe another time." Terra unlocked the door and headed out, leaving a very confused Beast Boy.

Something was off. She was red to be with him barely thirty minutes after she surprisingly returned? This didn't make any sense.

Then the Crime Alert went off.
It was Slade terrorizing the city. He had finally come back. Raven threw her bolts of energy towards his army of robots, but all she could think about how strange it was that Slade had come back the same time as Terra.

She scowled at the thought of the traitor, but didn't stop attacking the robots.

After the last robot was destroyed and Slade had left in fear of getting caught, the team began walking back towards the tower, but Raven and Beast Boy were left on cleaning duty.

She tried to avoid him most of the time, but finally Love made her walk up next to him to help him clean his area. He smiled up at her and that was what made her do it.

"Listen Beast Boy, I know Terra's back and I probably shouldn't be saying this, but you need to hear me out. Okay, here it is. Your choice, it's simple, her or me. And I'm sure she's really great. But Beast Boy, I love you. In a really big pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your bedroom window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you... love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me. I'll be at the bar where Mark and Rachel met tonight so if you do decide it's me, meet me there." And with that, she flew off, leaving a very surprised Beast Boy to think about what she had just said.

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