Chapter Twenty One-Why Did You Leave Me?

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Beast Boy woke up and stretched his arms. It was a new day and he would tell Raven about what happened last night. He was late, it was bad, he knew that, but he had to clean the city so he sort of had an excuse.

He put on his uniform and headed towards the common room, and was surprised to see three of the Titans waiting expectantly for him.

"We have some things to discuss..." Robin started, not having the leader like stance he usually had. "We lost a Titan last night. Temporarily."

Beast Boy noticed that the only one not there was Raven. She was the one who left them.

"She has left for personal issues that even I do not know. We will continue on and wait patiently for her return. As for now, we will return to our research on Slade." Robin nodded his head and walked out of the common room.

Starfire was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand, her eyes pooling with tears. Cyborg had his head in his hands for a few moments, but followed Robin to do research.

Beast Boy was glued to his spot. Had she left because of him? Had she really been that upset that he was so late? Was this all his fault? He was so worried.

Terra had left the night before, claiming that she was better than the Teen Titans and would find a team somewhere else. This was obviously much harder for Beast Boy to process.

He walked to his room, wanting to be alone. How could Raven just leave them? Leave him? He thought she loved him, he thought she felt the same way about him as he did about her.

All of these thoughts were running through his head when he heard a knock on the door.

"Friend Beast Boy, may I come in?" It was Starfire.

"Sure. Whatever." He walked to the door and opened it for the green-eyed alien.

"I came here to talk to you. Maybe we could try to get through this the together. Friend Raven will be back, but for now, maybe we could just do the friendship?" Starfire said, trying to tell Beast Boy that it would be okay that Raven left.

"It's fine Star, it doesn't matter anyways." He couldn't even believe himself.

"Friend Raven told me about what happened. I do not believe it is your fault for her leaving. Do not worry friend, it will be okay." She still couldn't make him feel better, but he was surprised that Raven would tell anybody about how she has spilled her emotions to him.

Starfire walked out of the room, leaving the green changeling to think to himself. Maybe it hadn't been his fault, but either way, Raven was gone, and so was his happiness.
Raven walked along a cute paved road. She had reached the dimension she had wanted to get to. Her home land. She would find her home and stay there until she was strong enough to fight off her father.

She felt horrible for leaving the team, especially Beast Boy. But, he didn't care about her, so what did it matter? Maybe this new life wouldn't be so bad. Maybe it would be better than her old life, maybe this could he her home forever.

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