Chapter Twelve-Sparks

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"So, tell me about yourself Raven, 'Rachel' didn't really tell me much about herself, but I did learn that you're pretty funny. And you like my jokes!" Beast Boy laughed as Raven raised an eyebrow.

"Don't get ahead of yourself buddy", Raven laughed lightly, "but I guess you can make me smile...sometimes."

He eyed her.

"Okay, most of the time."

"I knew it!" Beast Boy laughed and jumped up and down. "I knew it, I knew it!" Raven just giggled and kept walking.

"So, if you want me to start talking about myself, you've got to tell me something first."

"Okay Raven, what is it?" Beast Boy asked.

"What did you do to stop thinking about that day. That day where Slade captured us. I can't stop thinking about it, even after these two years. I have nightmares about it every night that I can remember." She rubbed her arm and looked behind her and quickly looked forward again.

"To be honest, I can't stop remembering that day either. It was horrible, and it must have been even more horrible for you." He put his arm around her shoulders. She was tense at first but slowly became more relaxed.

"I don't know if I can ever fully recover from it, I never thought something like that would happen to me." She leaned her head towards his shoulder.

They both walked back to the Tower in a nice silence. The Tower was dark and they both assumed that everyone inside was asleep.
Once they were inside the Tower, neither of them were tired yet so they decided to watch a movie on the couch.

"What about this one?" Raven asked, pointing to a horror movie.

"We all know what happened the last time we watched a scary movie Rae." Raven just rolled her eyes.

"That was before, I've been meditating more, please, my emotions won't get the best of me this time. I promise." De smiled, hugging the movie against her like a child.

"Fine, but just this time, okay?"

Raven nodded quickly and popped the movie into the T.V. She got up and say on the couch and Beast Boy put his arm around her shoulders again. She snuggled up against him and pressed play on the remote.

The movie began with a guy and a girl in a car. They were practically sucking each other's faces until there was a noise in the background. Of course, the girl was the one who noticed and got scared and some guy ended up kidnapping her and killing her boyfriend.

Raven thought the movie to be pretty boring after the girl's kidnapper was caught and she was locked away without anyone to come and get her. The movie still have thirty minutes left but she was becoming a little tired.
After the movie was over, Beast Boy looked down and noticed that Raven was asleep on his shoulder. 'She was so pretty when she slept.' He shook the thought out of his mind. They had already kissed once and talked a lot, but Beast Boy still had to make sure that these weren't just feelings to retaliate against Terra leaving.

Instead of going back to his room to sleep on his comfortable bed, Beast Boy stayed in an uncomfortable position so Raven could sleep. He stayed like this for a few episodes of whatever was on T.V. and finally drifted off to sleep as well.

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