Chapter Twenty Five-Together Forever

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Raven was sitting on the roof of the tower. Looking at the night sky in front of her. It was nice outside, not too cold and not too hot. The moon was full and illuminating the sky. She was alone and enjoying it, enjoying the peace.

Her eyes were closed until she felt someone sit beside her. She looked up and saw that it was Beast Boy.

"What are you doing up here when it's so late?" He asked, moving closer to her.

"Just thinking." She replied, looking down at her hands. "I came back, but I'm not home. And I really want to be home."

"Well, you're home to us. And we're not leaving you." He smiled, putting an arm around her shoulders.

She tensed up but quickly relaxed and put her head on his shoulder.

"I'm still not so sure about us fighting my father. He is very strong, and I don't want you to get hurt." She said, repositioning her head.

"I'll accept the risk. Because you are worth it. Because you matter to me. Because I love you. And I'm not going anywhere." She looked up at him as he said this and smiled. "It's getting late, why don't we get to bed?" He picked her up bridal style and began walking towards the roof exit.

"I can walk myself you know," she said, shaking her head.

"I know, I just like to know you're finally here with me, and I'll never leave you." She smiled into his chest as he carried her into the tower.

They went through the hallways and Beast Boy stopped at her door. He gently put her down and watched her push the code on the door to let her in.

"Goodnight Raven." He said, hugging her.

"Goodnight Beast Boy", she said, turning towards her room. "Wait."

He turned around and looked at the violet haired girl.

"Would you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone after seeing everything that went down in Azerath." She was blushing a bright pink color by the time she finished her sentence.

"Sure Raven." He smiled and they walked into her room. They both slid into bed and Raven quickly fell asleep in his arms.

He knew he would protect her with his life. He was holding the love of his life in his arms, and he wanted to stay that way forever, but he would have to get past Trigon so they could be together forever.

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