Chapter Nineteen-Lost My Chance

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Raven had been walking around the city park. She didn't just do that. She couldn't have just done that. She hadn't just told Beast Boy she loved him, she told him everything. He knew exactly how she felt now. There was no way he felt the same way towards her. She regretted ever saying anything to him.

The sun was beginning to set, so she got up and headed towards the bar. If he didn't show up she was screwed.

She sat down, ignoring people staring at her purple hair, she couldn't put the ring on because Beast Boy wouldn't notice her, after all, the rings always changed what you look like.

She ordered a drink and noticed Starfire walk into the bar.

"Friend Raven, what are you doing here? I've been looking for you." Starfire said, sitting on a chair next to Raven.

"Just waiting." She replied as the bartender handed her her tequila. She downed the drink and turned to Starfire, "The real question is, what are you doing here?"

Starfire looked down, "I needed somewhere to go, friend Terra is yelling about friend Beast Boy not being at the tower, and Robin and friend Cyborg are planning against Slade." Starfire said, ordering vodka.

The two girls talked for a while and Raven finally told Starfire the real reason why she was there. Of course, she had drank a few more shots of tequila. Starfire gasped.

"Friend Beast Boy? I would have never know about the liking going on! Why is he not the here?" She also took another shot of vodka.

"I probably blew it Star, I never should have said anything. Nobody likes me anyways." Raven looked down at the bar table.

"That is not the truth! We all like you very much friend Raven! You are like the sister to me!"

"Thanks Star", Raven said," Let's get going before it gets too late."

With that, they left the bar and began aimlessly walking back towards the tower, they were too tired to fly anyways.
Both of the girls were sitting in Starfire's bright pink room, talking about whatever came to mind.

"So, Starfire, how do you feel about Robin?" Raven asked, flipping down onto the bed.

"I like friend Robin the very much!" Starfire exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "You are definitely my best friend here, but I feel something for different for friend Robin."

"What kind of different feeling?" Raven prodded, trying to see if Starfire felt the same way Robin felt.

"Well, my stomach feels weird when I see him, like that feeling when you are on the coaster that rolls. And my face feels hot when he talks to me." Starfire giggled, spinning around the room.

Raven smiled to herself, those two really loved each other. She sighed, wishing it was the same between her and Beast Boy.

But they didn't know, that in a bar, sat a green changeling, knowing that he was too late.

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