Chapter Ten-Reality

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Beast Boy learned so much about this mystery girl that night. Her name was Rachel and she wasn't from around here, he was surprised by that though, because she seemed comfortable in the bar. They talked for hours. When Beast Boy finally looked at the clock on top of the entrance, the time was already two o'clock! They had been talking for over three hours!

"Hey, it's getting pretty late, do you want me to take you home?" Beast Boy asked Rachel.

"Um I'm fine getting home on my own, but here's my number, in case you ever want to do this again." She smiled and scribbled her number on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"At least let me walk you out", he said, taking the girl's phone number.

As they stood outside, they were silent for a little while, looking up at the starless sky. The lights from the city made the sky dark, the only visible thing from the ground was the moon.

"It's still beautiful isn't it?" Rachel asked, looking at Beast Boy.

"It sure is", he said, looking into her eyes.

The space between them got smaller and smaller, until Rachel put her hand up, "I'm sorry, I can't do this." She said, making the space between them wider again.

Beast Boy looked down and put his hands in his pockets. "It's been fun", he said, "but I should probably tell you something." He slowly took off his ring and his tan skin and blonde hair became green. Rachel stood with her mouth hanging open.

"Beast Boy?"

He wasn't surprised when she said this, he was well known within the city, he was a superhero after all. But he was surprised with what happened next.

The girl in front of him became someone else, someone he knew. Her long, brown hair became short, purple hair and her skin became pale.

He was standing in front of his teammate. One of his friends. He was standing in front of Raven.

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