Chapter Eight-The Truth

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All of the Titans had gathered into the infirmary, waiting to hear Terra's story.

"He had been watching me for a while, before I even came to be a Teen Titan. After I had been here with you guys for a while, I went out one night to my favorite little restaurant, and he was there. I paid little attention to him but I was confused by how he looked, I mean, not many people wear metal suits. Once I got some of my favorite pie, I noticed that he had come sit next to me. I tried not to talk to him too much, he was sort of creeping me out. He left before me and I finally started to feel comfortable again. When I left though, he was there, waiting for me, and he grabbed me and pulled me behind the building." Tears were slowly falling out of Terra's ocean blue eyes, but she continued anyway."He told me that I had to keep working with you and acting like everything was okay, but in the end he would destroy you. I couldn't tell you or else he would kill me. I'm so sorry I was so scared. But when he finally captured Raven and Beast Boy, he injected me with some type of shot, I wasn't myself anymore, so I hurt you guys. I am so sorry." Tears were covering her face by now.

"It's okay Terra, you're okay." Beast Boy said, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

Robin whispered something to the members of the team and they asked to be excused for a moment.

Once in the hallway, Robin brought up the elephant in the room. "What are we going to do with her? We can't just leave her. I say we take a vote, who wants Terra to be a part of the Teen Titans again?"

Beast Boy was the first to raise his hand, slowly followed by Starfire. Cyborg and Raven looked at each other, neither wanting the girl to be a part of their team again.

"I guess it's settled then", Robin said, "I think she should be in, so majority rules."

Beast Boy did a little dance and ran in to tell Terra the good news. Raven and Cyborg just sighed and decided to head back to their rooms.

It was obvious Raven didn't want Terra back because she had betrayed them, even though Slade had controlled her when she hurt Raven and Beast Boy, Terra put herself before the team when she agreed to work with him.

Cyborg's reasoning was a little different. He wasn't keeping away Terra for himself, he was doing it for Beast Boy. Terra had betrayed them and hurt his best friend before, and he would never want that to happen to his little buddy again.

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