Chapter Sixteen-Emotions

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Raven sat with her head in her hands. She had let her emotions take over. She let Beast Boy see her emotions. She shouldn't have let them take over. She should have just left before looking into those beautiful emerald eyes. No, what was she thinking? He was just Beast Boy, the little brother of the team.

But then again, he had grown over the years and was at least six inches taller than her by now. She shook her head, trying to get this all out of her mind.

She knew her emotions all too well and knew which one was in charge of this sudden outburst. She picked up the one of a kind mirror that was on her nightstand, looking at her reflection. It was not soon before she was sucked into another world and left in search of a certain emotion.
As she trudged along the rocky pathway, the sky above her changed from a sickening blood red to a beautiful purple. She was almost to her destination, and when she saw the purple cloaked girl in front of her, she quickened her step.

"Passion." Raven said, staring into the eyes of the girl. "Why are you doing this to me? With him? Please, anyone but him."

"Oh come on Rae Rae! You know he's cute! And he's sweet...and nice...and funny and-" Raven cut her off by putting a hand out to stop her.

"You can't do this to me Passion, please, find a way to stop this feeling." Raven said, holding her stomach.

"You mean the butterflies?" She asked while giggling. "Oh, those won't go away as long as Beast Boy is around." She twirled a strand of hair around her finger and turned around, heading the opposite way of Raven.

Raven sighed to herself, she would need someone else to talk to.
Robin was lifting weights in his room. After he had done about twenty five on each arm, he heard a small knock on the door.

"Come in." He said, putting the weights back down on the stand.

He was surprised when Raven was the one to walk in. They were very close friends, but he would have expected Starfire or Cyborg instead.

"Hey, can I talk to you...about something personal?" She looked down at the floor as if she were unsure if she should continue or not.

"Sure Raven, you know you can always count on me." He took a seat on his bed and she sat on the chair in front of his desk.

"So, you know that feeling when you like someone, but you don't know if you should like them?" She asked, her face turning a pinkish color. "I know you like Starfire, but does it ever feel as if you shouldn't?"

Robin thought about this, sure Starfire was a lot to handle, but he would do anything for her, even if it meant waiting until she caught on.

"Well, I know it's sometimes hard to like her, but where would I be if I had given up? I mean, I love her."

Raven nodded and looked Robin straight in the eye.

"I think I'm falling in love with Beast Boy, and I'm really afraid that it's going to destroy me."

"It wouldn't be love if it didn't."

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