Chapter Eleven-Why?

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Beast Boy just stared at Raven. The girl that he had been talking to all night, this beautiful girl that had made jokes and small talk with him all night was Raven. His teammate Raven.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her, a confused look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" The question was the same but it sure made Beast Boy uncomfortable. He came here to get his mind off of Terra, but after meeting "Rachel", the thought of a rebound became the though of a real girlfriend. He knew he just met "her", and they only made jokes and didn't talk much about their past, he liked the sparkle in her eyes and how good her smile made him feel.

"A rebound girl, I should have known. And to think I was starting to like this 'Mark'. But, of course, you just came here to play with my emotions." Raven looked hurt, but Beast Boy wouldn't take this.

"What's wrong with me wanting a one night stand or a rebound girl? I walked in there looking for someone to talk to, but I met 'Rachel', and I really liked her, or er, you." He scratched the back of his head, looking down at the ground.

Raven just looked at him, trying to process what Beast Boy had just said. Then, when the green boy had looked up, she did something neither of them would have expected, she kissed him.

He looked at her with surprised eyes when they finally broke apart. "What do you say we get to know the real us?" He asked, smirking at the violet haired girl.

"I would love to", she smiled and they began walking back towards the Titans Tower

Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter, I have some really good ideas for the next few chapters :) !

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