Chapter Six-Found

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Cyborg had finally caught up to Robin and Starfire and the three of them were standing in the empty cave that loomed over them.

"Where do we go?" Starfire asked, keeping her head down. She had been sniffling ever since Cyborg had gotten there.

"We can't split up again, that's what got us in this mess in the first place!" said Cyborg, pointing at Robin, "If we would have stayed together Beast Boy and Raven would still be here and we all could have taken down Terra and Slade! But noooo, you just wanted some alone time with Star!"

By this time, Robin's face was as red as his shirt and Starfire looked confused.

"If you don't like my ideas then maybe you should just go! Find Beast Boy and Raven and then leave! You have no respect for me or the team so you need to go!"

Starfire's eyes widened. "But friend Robin.." she put a hand on his shoulder, "we should not be doing the arguing. We need to work to find our friends!"

Robin turned around and started walking towards one of the two holes in the cave wall. "Come with us if you want, or split up, not like I care."
After what seemed like hours, the three team members could hear talking coming from a distance.

"They will be here any minute Terra, and once they've come, you know what to do." That voice was most definitely Slade's and it echoed through the tunnel in a very monotone manner.

"Titans, go!" Robin whisper-yelled, running towards where the voices were coming from. He pulled out his staff and ran towards Slade, but a rock hit him and he flew backwards.

"Guess we can't all be winners", Slade said, his words laced with venom. "Terra, take them down."

Cyborg continuously blasted her with his laser while Starfire searched for her two missing friends.

"Friend Raven? Friend Beast Boy? Can you hear me?"

A muffled sound came from around the corner so Star flew around quickly and found her two teammates. They were in horrible condition. Raven even worse than Beast Boy, Terra must have went easy on him, but what Starfire saw purely terrified her.
Robin had gotten back up and tried to attack Slade, but quickly realized that he was just a hologram, so he ran toward Cyborg to try to stop Terra.

Rocks and debris flew everywhere, but they were finally starting to wear her down, and after fighting for a little while longer, she gave up and flew off on a rock back down the tunnel where they had come from.

"Friends! Please come help! We are in the trouble!" Starfire yelled, getting Robin and Cyborg's attention. They ran over to where her voice was coming from and saw Raven and Beast Boy in two separate orange spheres that they had first seen when they got in the cave.

Beast Boy seemed to only have a few cuts and scratches, but Raven looked so damaged and weak. She not only had cuts and scratches, but she was also bruised and nursing her leg as if it were broken. There was no way they had their powers. They would never have been this badly injured if they could have fought back.

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