Chapter Five-Missing

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"We must find friend Raven and friend Beast Boy!" Starfire exclaimed after the monitor went out.

"We will." Robin promised, "We just have to call Cyborg first, okay?" Starfire nodded her head reluctantly and watched as Robin opened his monitor and contacted their teammate.

"Robin to Cyborg, come in Cyborg." Robin tapped his foot impatiently, had Terra done anything to his friend? He had paired them up together, what if the same thing that happened to Raven and Beast Boy happened to Cyborg? His nerves were relaxed as Cyborg's face appeared on his communicator.

"Hey...I like of lost Terra..." Cyborg said guiltily, "but don't worry, I'll find her...I think she went that way..?"

"No Cyborg!" Robin said. He explained the story of Terra and Slade and the expression on Cyborg's face turned from nervousness to anger.

"HOW COULD SHE?!" he yelled, gritting his teeth. "I'll find her, and I'll find BB and Raven." With that the monitors went blank and Robin rubbed his temples.

"Where do we look for the friends?" Starfire asked innocently, worry showing through her emerald eyes.

"We'll head the way I sent them. East."
Cyborg marched back the way he came. All he could think about was Terra betraying the team. He wasn't the best of friends with her, but he still couldn't believe that she would do that to the team.

"RAVEN! BEAST BOY! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!" he shouted, knowing they wouldn't respond but still had a bit of hope in him.

He continued to look and prayed that Robin and Starfire would be able to find them faster than he could.
Once Starfire and Robin got to the opening in the ground, Starfire was going to fly Robin down so that they could get a better view of what they were looking for. But, Starfire couldn't seem to be able to fly.

"Friend Robin, something is wrong with my power of flight. It seems to be broken!" she said, trying to flap her arms up and down. It didn't work and Robin tried to think of ways to get down.

He pulled out his rope and tied it to a pole that seemed pretty well attached to the ground.

"Hold on Starfire, we're going down", he said, grabbing the alien's waist and slowly lowering them into the mystery that lies beneath them.

Once they reached the bottom, they saw an orange crystal sphere that was empty, along with the empty cave that they were in.

"Is this where our friends were when they called?" Starfire asked, starting to get worried.

"I don't know Star, I don't know."

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