Chapter Thirteen-Together?

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Cyborg woke up after recharging for the night. He had gone to sleep earlier than usual so he was at full charge by six o'clock a.m. As he unplugged himself from his charging station, he decided to go to the kitchen and see what he could find in the fridge.

As he walked inside the common room, he noticed that the T.V. was still on. He sighed and went towards the couch to see where the remote was. As he approached the couch he saw a very interesting sight.

Raven and Beast Boy were cuddled up on the couch. Usually, Cyborg would have started laughing and making fun of his friend, but it was early, and he was too lazy to. This could wait for later.

He went to the fridge and grabbed a handful of food and returned back to his room.
As the sun was beginning to come up, Raven put her hand over her eyes. Her room was usually dark, so the bright common room caught her off guard. As last night's memories came back to her, she slowly got off the couch and walked into the kitchen area of the common room. She stood on her toes and reached for her tea leaves and began warming up the water for her beverage.

After a beep went off to signal that her water was warm enough to start making the tea, Beast Boy yawned and stretched his arms up.

"Hey Raven", he said, "good morning."

"Good Morning to you, Beast Boy." She said, stirring her drink and heading back towards the couch.

"That movie last night was very interesting", he said, trying to start up a conversation, "maybe we should go see another movie know, as friends...?"

"Enticing offer." She replied, not looking up at him, "As long as it's horror."

Beast Boy mentally high-fived himself and leaned back on the couch.

Raven slowly looked up from her tea, "Listen Beast Boy, that kiss-it was in the spur of the moment, okay? I know you and Terra just separated, and we both don't need anything serious. The kiss didn't even mean anything."

Beast Boy fixed his eyes on the windows, watching a bird fly around outside. "Yeah, totally, I get it."

"Good, but I do hope we can choose to become better friends." She smiled softly and went to go wash her cup out in the sink.

Beast Boy got off the couch as well and started heading to his room. On his way there he bumped in to his best friend, Cyborg.

"Hey, Cy, what's up?" He said in his usual cheery voice.

"Not much with me, but what's up with YOU?" Cyborg asked, patting the green boy's back.

"What do you mean?" Beast Boy asked, not understanding Cyborg's change in voice.

"You know what I mean! Sleeping on the couch next to Raven! Who knew anyone could even get her out of her room? Let alone talk to her." Beast Boy's face reddened as he realized that Cyborg had seen them sometime that morning.

"Yeah, it was nothing, didn't mean anything, we're barely even friends." With that, Cyborg just nodded his head and proceeded to the kitchen while Beast Boy walked back to his room.

He walked down the hall and passed Raven's room, which was right met to his, and noticed that she left the door open, so he quickly closed it for her and went to open his.

His room was a mess, like always, but he never really cared about that. He walked to his desk and looked down at the picture frame right in the middle of the only clean spot in the entire room. It was a picture of him and Terra smiling with an amusement park in the background. He picked it up and looked at it.

He took this almost two and a half years ago now, and never had the heart to get rid of it, even after Terra worked with Slade. When he found out that she was forced to be his apprentice, he had hope that meant she would rejoin the team and everything would go back to normal.

But, ever since the incident involving him and Raven two years ago, he started to develop feelings for the violet haired girl. He thought that they were accidental and would go away with time, but quite the opposite happened. He went from barely liking her to being fully infatuated with her, but he knew that she would never feel the same way. When she had kissed him, he thought that maybe she liked him too, but what she said earlier rang in his head, 'It didn't mean anything'.

He set the picture down and went to sit on his bed. His head was in his hands as he thought more about this Raven/Terra situation. Sure he liked Terra and all, but that was almost two years ago, he just wanted her to stay and be his girlfriend again because he was scared of change. He didn't want to tell her he wanted to break up with her, and he never really did, all she said was that she needed time to come back, to make sure things were safe.

All of these thoughts were running through his head when he realized that he was very tired, he got home at around two o'clock in the morning, fell asleep at five, and it was only eight a.m. at this point. He put his head on his pillow and fell asleep dreaming of Raven and Terra, hoping his dream would help him figure out what to do.

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