Chapter Twenty Two-Oh Azerath

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A year had passed since Raven had left the team. They had changed their team name to the Titans rather than the Teen Titans. They were no longer the kids they were when this started.

They continued to fight criminals for the greater good, but without one of their teammates, they found this very difficult, but they managed.

The two taking this the worst had definitely been Starfire and Beast Boy. It took Starfire some time to get over it, and she was still upset, but she kept hoping her friend would come back. She managed to act normally in front of everyone instead of always crying. Beast Boy also acted fine in front of everyone, but whenever he would find himself alone, he would break down, wishing the half demon was still with them.

Sometimes he wondered if she would ever come back. Starfire, his now close friend, always told him she would, but he became less sure everyday that passed.

The day had gone along like usual, a criminal had tried to do something stupid and the team defeated them. They went out for pizza afterwards and then went home to rest for the following day.

Beast Boy had been sitting at his desk and looking out his window. At about eleven at night, he was getting hungry, so he decided he would make himself a snack.

As he was opening the fridge, he suddenly heard a loud thud from behind the couch. He closed the fridge door and started walking closer to where the noise had come from.

Suddenly, a girl with medium length purple hair and mesmerizing violet eyes stood up. Her eyes frantically searching around the room until they met his'.

"He destroyed it. Azerath is gone."

Author's Note:Sorry for the super short chapter-I will be updating soon!

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