01, I Won't Tell George

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❝ 01 , i won't tell george ❞

With every house they went to, Demi regretted her decision to join Lockwood & Co more and more. It wasn't necessarily because there was anything wrong with the company, per say, or even the work they did all through the night.

No, it was really because of Anthony Lockwood. He was an arrogant, stubborn and completely reckless fool. Yet, Demi couldn't bring herself to be mad at him for long. He had a way of winning her over and she wasn't really sure how he managed it every single time.

But she still wished that he would give George more time to research.

Like right now. They had done absolutely no research on the house which meant that they had to try and find the Source with absolutely zero indication on what it even could be. Demi didn't have the foggiest clue what they were about to walk into but Lockwood had read the forms that the couple had filled in and found that sufficient to walk into the home.

Typical Lockwood.

Demi didn't think it was the smartest move but she never bothered to argue with him. It would always be a fruitless endeavour since Lockwood walked into every scenario with enough gusto to convince even the most experienced agent that he knew what he was talking about - he very rarely did. It should have bothered her more but six months by his side meant it didn't.

There were no death-glows immediately evident when they stepped into the house and neither of them could hear a thing. Not that they were listeners anyway. Well, Demi could hear more than Lockwood but that wasn't exactly hard. Either way, there was absolutely nothing to immediately indicate the presence of a haunting. Instead, there was just creepy silence.

Everything felt fine. She gave a quick glance to the glowing temperature reader, it read 14 degrees which was about the right temperature for the time of night and time of year. So, she stuck it back in her pocket and used her torch to shine the path towards the door into the kitchen.

They had briefly checked each of the downstairs rooms but there hadn't really been anything that they immediately noticed. So, they took a moment to settle into the kitchen and put the kettle on, drink a cup of tea while going through the notes before they went to work.

Demi had her jacket pulled over her shoulders, salt bombs buried in the pockets and her work belt around her waist. It held the flashlight, temperature gauge, greek fire, among other tools. Based on the couple's form, it didn't seem like she would have to use most of it but they would always rather be safe than sorry.

Once they were both ready, the pair headed out of the kitchen. Demi could still taste the tea which fought off the sudden horrible taste in her mouth. That was definitely indicative of a haunting so it seemed that the spirits had come out to play.

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