chapter thirty-five

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE/ bodyepisode five, part three

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episode five, part three.

Portland Row was deadly silent. The night-time meant that nobody dared step outside the defences of their homes. The iron line at their doorstep wasn't crossed until the sun slowly began to rise the very next morning. Not even the night-birds were twittering as the ghost-lights blinked on-and-off. A measure that the government had hoped would keep the Visitors at bay but never did.

The streets were almost always empty except for Agents and there were currently three of them standing at the steps of Portland Row. Demi stood behind the iron line still, her head was spinning and the ring in her hand had been pushed into her pocket a second after George had spoken. Not that the brunette heard at first.

It took him repeating the question; "Where is Lockwood and Lucy?" before she even fully comprehended that he was speaking at all. Demi's eyebrows furrowed and it took her a beat or two before she opened her mouth. But when she opened her mouth, she realised she didn't have anything she could say.

"I don't know..." She muttered softly. Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned her gaze down to the floor again. The steps were gloomy and the ghost-light was casting her shadow along the steps. George and Erin were stood, watching the girl. George was irritated. Erin seemed confused, sympathetic almost.

"What do you mean you don't know?" George asked. There was a bite to his tone. He wasn't snappy but he didn't sound happy. Demi could hardly blame him, not that she was really taking in his words at all.

"I don't remember what happened," Her words were still quiet, almost like she was talking to herself. She was desperately trying to wrack her mind for what had happened. It was a mess. She remembered Winkman's and stepping into that room and then the voices. There were so many. She wasn't even touching anything and it felt like it was swallowing her whole. The feeling of her wrist had come back. It was like she had been left open to Visitors trickery. She felt like an open wound.

"Are you okay?" Erin went to ask but George promptly cut her off with the quick questions of; "Where did you go? Why did Lockwood need you?" He sounded curious but also desperate to get to the bottom of this. It was way past midnight. It was way past the time that Lockwood had claimed he would be back. But he wasn't back. It was just Demi.

"We went to get the mirror," She said and she pushed some hair behind her ear before she finally lifted her head up, "We were told it was at Winkman's and Lockwood thought we should go and so we broke in. But I could hear something, I don't know what it was," Demi trailed off towards the end. Her voice suddenly got quieter as she tried to remember that voice. The laughter, it was so soft. It was pleasant. She recognised it but she still couldn't place it. It was playing over and over like a tape in her head.

"The mirror?" Erin questioned and Demi took a moment. She tried to picture it exactly. The laughter and then the screams. The screams could have been the mirror but, no. Demi didn't even know, she let her shoulders sag.

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