chapter forty

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━━ CHAPTER FORTY / familyepisode eight, part two

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━━ CHAPTER FORTY / family
episode eight, part two.

The pair had quickly decided to speak to the Skull, which Demi just discovered was actually someone who knew Bickerstaff or worshipped him in life. According to Lockwood, he called Bickerstaff 'Master' which Demi had her own issues with but she put them to one side as Lucy pulled the towel off the top of the Skull. Her eyes narrowed as she slammed her hands on the table in front of the glowing jar. Demi hated that she couldn't hear the Visitor.

"What do you know? What have you seen? Where's he taken it?" Lucy snapped as she looked down at the Skull, her eyes narrowed. Silence seemed to suffocate the room as the mouth moved but neither Lockwood nor Demi could hear a thing. It was infuriating not being able to help. They hated only being able to hear half a conversation.

"What's he saying, Luce?" Demi asked once the mouth had stopped moving. Lucy's eyebrows had quickly furrowed, annoyance spreading through her chest as she glanced at the two beside her before she looked back at the skull.

"Something about another friend," Lucy mumbled as she continued to glare back down at the skull in front of her.

"What other friend? Flo? George doesn't have any other friends apart from-" Lockwood went through the very short list before Lucy interrupted him and the trio all seemed to come to the same conclusion at once.


"Sh... She wouldn't do anything. Would she?" Lockwood asked, glancing at Demi for some sort of reassurance but Demi didn't trust Joplin as far as she could throw her. It was sickening to think what Joplin would do.

"She's mad, of course she would," Demi snapped as she glanced back at Lucy and then back at Lockwood. The boy had lifted his hands into his hair, pushing his fingers through it as he looked around. He was panicking. Lockwood never panicked.

"Everyone who goes near that thing loses their mind," Lockwood snapped, annoyance lacing his tone as he stepped back from Lucy, Demi and the Skull. Lucy sighed and she forced her gaze back to the Jar. Annoyance only seemed to grow stronger on her features as Demi wrapped her arms around her stomach protectively.

"Tell me where they are," Lucy all but shouted as she looked down at the Skull. It's mouth was moving but no matter how hard Demi tried to tune into it, she couldn't hear a thing. It was impossible to feel a thing, "Where?" Lucy said after a moment and then it dawned on her, "Bickerstaff!" Lucy looked at Demi and then Lockwood and it hit him.

"They're at the cemetery," He stated. Demi nodded and she took two steps from the desk. They had to go to the cemetery. None of them even had to say it to understand. Lucy shoved off the desk and all of them rushed downstairs to the stockroom. They just hoped that they still had something left to defend themselves after the few weeks that they'd had. They barely had time to breathe, let alone get more salt-bombs and flares and iron chains.

LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO, anthony lockwood ✔Where stories live. Discover now