chapter nine

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━━ CHAPTER NINE / lucy carlyle

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━━ CHAPTER NINE / lucy carlyle

Afternoon errands were always Demi's least favourite part of the week when she had to do them. It usually required her to be out of the house at least ten minutes before she wanted to be and her run was almost always cut short. But it was her turn that week so she couldn't complain. And it meant she could avoid all of the interviewees.

That was Lockwood's job and George was there to sufficiently judge their character. Demi trusted them both and she knew that she would just get in the way. So, being out of the house was exactly how she wanted it to be.

But as the day drew in and she had finally finished getting everything she needed (three bags of various supplies and other bits she'd been asked to get and six bags of food shopping), she was glad to be back through the door. The house was oddly quiet and rather than the typical potterings of George in the kitchen, she clumsily entered the kitchen to see an unfamiliar brunette girl waiting for the kettle to boil.

She seemed just as startled by Demi's presence as Demi was by hers and they stared at each other for a moment before she rushed to help Demi with her bags. They managed to get them onto the table without much incident before they finally spoke.

"Hi, I'm Demi. And you are?" She asked curiously. Demi could only assume that it was the new member of the team but Lockwood hadn't bothered to tell her anything about their lists of candidates. He had merely told her that there was a substantial list and they'd hopefully find someone to hire (they hadn't had much luck before then).

"Lucy Carlyle," The brunette responded, her tone was soft and a little timid. Demi grinned and she glanced down at the shopping before she looked back at the girl.

"You wouldn't mind giving me a hand would you?" Demi asked softly. Lucy shook her head and together, the pair put away the shopping. Demi directed when Lucy fumbled but it was a relatively easy task now that it was two of them. The boys always forgot to help Demi when she got back from the errands. She always pulled them up on it but some things never change.

"I would have asked what you like but Lockwood wasn't sure what would happen with the interviews," Demi explained as she grabbed the milk and passed it to Lucy who put it in the fridge. The girl smiled awkwardly before she shrugged.

"I'll eat anything. I don't want to get in the way," She explained. Demi scoffed and she pulled out her bag of chipsticks. She dropped them onto the table before she then grabbed the orange juice - with pulp - for Anthony. Demi hated it which is why she bought herself orange juice without bits. She wasn't a heathen.

"Trust me, you won't be getting in the way. The boys have the weirdest food requests and we take turns doing the shopping so don't hesitate to ask for something," Demi said as she finished with her bag. It was the last one and they were finally done. Other than the bits and bobs that Demi still needed to put away somewhere, at some point.

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