chapter thirteen

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTEEN / annabel wardepisode two, part two

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTEEN / annabel ward
episode two, part two.

The knock on Lockwood's door was unheard by the pair lying in bed. At some point during their nap, Demi had shuffled up closer to the boy. Her head snuggled into his chest as his hand laid lazily across her waist. Lockwood had fallen asleep not long after the brunette had, the day that he had was weighing down on him and he sought comfort in the girl's arms.

And so, they lay together, almost completely unaware of George's knocking. That was until it turned to banging and Lockwood's eyes groggily opened. He blinked a few times, trying to grasp reality. He turned his head to the side, realising that the sun was still up. It was still morning and he sighed. He let his head fall against the pillow again. Demi was still asleep, only now she was snuggled up to him.

Her head was pressed against his chest, her hands pressed between her chest and Lockwood's body. She seemed comfy, curled up and he didn't want to disturb her. But then the banging began again and he sighed. He tentatively moved his hand from her waist and slowly and awkwardly shuffled out from under the covers.

Demi groaned softly in her sleep but then rolled over and didn't seem to wake up from her sleepy state. That was good. She needed the sleep much more than Lockwood did. The boy then trudged over to the door and just as George was about to slam on the door again, it swung open in his face. His hand stopped mid-air.

There was an unimpressed look on George's face as he took in Lockwood's bed hair and sleepy look. He then leant into the room and much to Lockwood's annoyance, spotted Demi lying down in the bed. Her hands now wrapped around one of the pillows and it was pulled down to rest underneath her head. She looked comfy.

"Did you finish that report?" George asked. Lockwood nodded his head and then he looked down at the tray in George's arms. Food. And his stomach growled in response. The two boys then headed towards the desk and George placed the tray down. There was a newspaper stuck between the two bowls of food, "She can't sleep all day," George said. His voice was hushed but his mild annoyance at the other boy was still evident.

"You don't make those decisions," Lockwood responded simply. George rolled his eyes and pulled the chair from next to the desk and sat down on it, "It looks great, by the way." That was only a slight lie, to try and soften whatever blow was about to come his way.

"No, it doesn't. It looks like I cooked it in an active volcano. So, I've got the whole story now and so has the rest of London," George said as he picked up the newspaper from between the two bowls. He then handed it over to Lockwood and his gaze moved to Demi briefly. She seemed to be coming back to reality, her eyes blinking open at the sound of two voices as she pushed her hands along her face. Lockwood took a bowl as he began to read over the newspaper.

"Rogue sounds pretty cool," Lockwood argued and there was a soft chuckle from the bed as Demi rolled over onto her back. She then sat up, pushing the covers back slightly so she could comfortably sit up against the headboard of Lockwood's bed. Demi was desperately trying to ignore the way her heart was thumping in her chest and the heat spread across her body because she has woken up in Lockwood's bed. She couldn't tell if she was embarrassed or even more in love with the boy across the room.

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