chapter thirty-four

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR/ bodyepisode five, part two

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episode five, part two

Once DEPRAC came and dredged the river and pulled the body up out of the water, Demi didn't return to the canal bank. The thought of just being near it made her feel a bit sick and her whole body still ached dully from the injuries. Lockwood understood and allowed her to sit near one of the graves until they were done talking with Barnes.

She had tried to ignore how sick seeing that body had made her feel. She tried to ignore the dull pain but she just couldn't. So, she grabbed two painkillers from the pack in her pocket and swallowed them dry, praying that they would make her feel good enough to get through the rest of the day.

But she didn't miss the looks that she got from the rest of Kipps' and Chase's crew when they saw her sat alone. Chase and Erin had gone over to the riverbank and were talking to Barnes. Demi couldn't face it and she didn't care what they were thinking. She kept her gaze firmly ahead of her, trying to work out what she was going to do now.

Part of her wanted to go home but the bigger part of her knew that she couldn't go home. This was important and she needed to be there for Lockwood and Lucy. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she buried her face in her hands. The bruises on her back had healed quite nicely but it was her wrist that was bothering her now. It would make it harder to use her rapier but she had to suck it up. She had faced worse.

"Dem, you ready to go?" Lockwood's voice startled the brunette. Her head shot up and she nodded, pushing a smile onto her face. She was in fact, not ready to go but there was nothing else she could think to say. She didn't want to sit at Portland Row, alone, when she could have been helping the team so he helped her to her feet and they headed out.

The conversation was few and far between as they headed down the canals, away from the cemetery. Lockwood was walking with confidence and by the time they had gotten into the more populated area of the canal, he finally was ready to speak.

"Fittes will go wide. They'll round up every relic man until they find something," He began as he glanced between the three. Demi nodded. That's what Fittes was like. They were efficient even if it was detrimental to the case, "We need to move faster. Smarter. George." The brunette turned down to the boy.

But he didn't have to finish because George let out a mildly defeated, "Archives, I know." Demi then began to shuffle from where she had been between Lucy and Lockwood towards George but Lockwood grabbed her hand.

"I can go with him," Demi said as she looked up at him. Lockwood shook his head.

"I need you with me," He insisted and she almost didn't believe that. She opened her mouth to try and argue but he merely shook his head, "No time to explain. Come on." He let go of her hand and Demi glanced back at Lucy who seemed to just shrug. There was no explanation for Lockwood's odd behaviour so they didn't bother trying to, "George, we'll meet you at the house at midnight for an epic breakfast." That usually bravado has seeped back into Lockwood's voice as he stepped back from the boy.

LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO, anthony lockwood ✔Where stories live. Discover now