chapter twenty-two

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO / erin hamptonepisode three, part five

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO / erin hampton
episode three, part five.

Despite the thoughts that swirled through Demi's head, she knew that they would be fine. Nobody really knew but if this was a trap - as she suspected - and the ghosts were supposed to kill them - as Demi presumed - then she had a weapon. Something that would hopefully not burn down the house but could destroy any ghosts or sources that they came across. It was all a guessing game but as she mentally mapped out how everything was going to go, it calmed her.

And so as they headed out of the SUV and into Combe Carey Hall, she walked with complete confidence. The anxiety lingered in the pit of her stomach but it would be fine. Lockwood would make sure it was fine even if he should have listened to her at the station. It was too late now and she had resigned herself to whatever fate lay ahead.

She never hesitated over a doorway and walked into Combe Carey Hall with complete confidence but when she glanced back, Erin seemed to hesitate. A look of concern and worry had spread over her face as she stepped slowly.

"Hampton, don't freeze at the doorway," Demi warned. Her words were a soft warning but there was a clear undertone of concern and mild annoyance.

"That's like rule one of ghost-hunting," George added as he glanced between the girls. The group had come to a stop in the entranceway. Demi's rucksack over her shoulders still and her left hand holding one of her kit bags.

"Right, sorry. It's just-," Erin had moved away from the doorway now but rather than being able to finish, Lucy interjected.

"Feels weird? I feel it too," There was a softness to Lucy's tone and she gave Erin a reassuring look. It was an attempt to calm her down but everyone knew that this place wasn't what they had signed up for. It felt off from the get-go and they all knew that.

The group were silent for a moment and Erin had moved towards Demi. Stood between her and Lucy, a little awkwardly as they waited for Ellie to come forward with Fairfax. But in an attempt to ease the mood, Erin said, "You can call me Erin, by the way. I think we've met enough times for it not to be weird." Demi smiled softly and met her gaze, nodding shortly. It was still odd for Demi. This was a Hampton. Even if it was a Hampton that was hidden from the public because she didn't seem to have talent, it was still a Hampton and it felt wrong to call them by their first name. But Demi knew that it was fine.

"Welcome to Combe Carey Hall. You're late," Fairfax's voice interrupted the silence and Demi's head snapped towards him. The way he spoke and held himself just made Demi inwardly cringe. She knew not to trust him. She didn't trust him and yet there was nothing she could do but sit here and see what happened. She had the flare and that was all she could do to protect those around her, "Why is the Snyder assistant still here?" He asked as he looked around the group. Lockwood - as always - took the liberty of answering.

"We believed she could help us," He responded. His tone was as diplomatic as ever but it was all a lie. Lockwood had challenged Erin to get her here and now she could die at the hand of their agency. It was only another stressor to add to Demi's already chaotic thoughts.

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