chapter twenty-one

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE / chase snyderepisode three, part four

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE / chase snyder
episode three, part four.

Waking up in Lockwood's bed was normal to Demi and she felt his warmth pressed against her back. It made her feel safe and when she rolled over at the sound of the alarm, Lockwood was dozing half-awake, half-asleep. Demi had switched the alarm off as she looked up into his eyes and he opened them sleepily. A sleepy, adorable smile on his face.

"Anthony," Demi said softly. He let out a mumble of 'yeah' in response before she lifted her hand up to his face. Her actions were anxious, nervous as she let her hand rest against his cheek. His smile grew into a sleepy grin, "Are we going to be okay?" It was such a vulnerable question so quiet and he let his eyes open fully.

"Of course we will," He responded. Her words and tone seemed to have woken him up as he placed his hand over the top of hers, his thumb rubbing across the top of her hand, "I won't let it happen again." It was a promise and when he looked into her eyes, she could tell he meant it. She smiled and let her head tilt down. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"Thank you."


Somehow, despite all of them being up long before they were meant to be at the station, they were running late. And Demi had to sprint up to her room, taking the steps two at a time to grab something from her desk. She slipped it into her backpack before she switched her light off and bounded back down the stairs as the boys shouted at her to hurry up.

"The taxi's here! Dem!" Lockwood called up the stairs. They could hear Demi's footsteps thundering down as she swung around onto the last set. Lockwood stood at the door and Demi grabbed her rapier on the way out. He locked the door and she jumped in the taxi, Lockwood followed behind and they were off.


The train journey was comfortable enough but Demi was glad to be back on her feet when they reached the station. Her backpack was firmly on her shoulders but George had picked up her kitbag - insisting that he could carry them both. Demi's back had been playing up all morning and they'd noticed so he was just trying to be nice.

They headed up the stairs to get onto the other side of the station where the station house was. The car park - they had been told - was on the other side and that's where they'd meet someone who would take them to Combe Carey Hall. It was all a little chaotic but Demi was just glad to be out of London. It had been too long and the country air was nice. The quiet was nice too, even though she couldn't enjoy it quite yet due to the train trundling away.

"Wow! There's a lot of green," George commented as he walked behind the trio. An amused smile appeared on Demi's lips as she glanced back at him.

"Never been outside of London before, George?" Lockwood asked, half-teasing, half-curious as they took the steps down to the platform.

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