chapter eighteen

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━━ CHAPTER EIGHTEEN / cuddlingepisode three, part one

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━━ CHAPTER EIGHTEEN / cuddling
episode three, part one.

It was the second time that Demi had woken up in a bed that wasn't her own and it was strange to her. She was so used to her bedroom that when her eyes slowly blinked open and she was faced with the wall of Lockwood's room, she nearly bolted out of bed before the memories of the previous night came trickling back. She let out a small smile as she buried half her face in the pillow.

After she had trudged upstairs, she had changed into her sheep hoodie and some loose grey sweatpants before she went back to Lockwood's room. He wasn't there when she trudged inside but it was only a few minutes later that he appeared with her glass of water. He placed it on the bedside table and walked over to his wardrobe.

The conversation was sparse but comfortable as he changed into pyjamas and she snuggled up in his bed again. He had asked whether she wanted him to wear a t-shirt (since he usually went without) and Demi insisted that she didn't mind either way. Anthony wore a t-shirt just to make sure she was comfortable and she was glad.

Because his chest was currently pressed against her back, one arm wrapped lazily over her waist while the other one rested underneath his pillow. Demi's hand had been intertwined with his but she gently pulled it away as she woke up. It was inappropriate. It was stupid. And she wasn't sure whether she had done that in her sleep or when she was awake.

She didn't really remember falling asleep. She remembered Lockwood getting in beside her and they talked quietly, looking at each other but it was a blank after that. Not that she hated the feeling of Lockwood pressed against her. It was comforting even though the pain was beginning to spread across her back again. Not because of him, simply because it hurt. Another two days and the pain should hopefully stop.

As Demi laid awake, she suddenly had the urge to turn over. Her body was becoming uncomfortable lying on the side she was on so with great difficulty, caution and a little bit of pain, she turned onto her other side. Anthony let out a soft 'hmph' of annoyance at the movement but when he felt Demi snuggle up to his chest, he didn't seem to object.

She gently pulled her legs up towards her chest and in her attempt to get comfortable, she knocked his crotch with her knee. He let out a soft groan of pain as his eyes opened sleepily.

"Did you just kick me?" He mumbled through his sleepiness. Demi chuckled softly and turned her face away from him, "Bit rude," He added. His tone was entirely teasing and it made Demi's face flush bright red.

"It was an accident," She responded as she turned her gaze up. His eyes were still half-closed and the charming smile was sleepy as he watched her, "I was just trying to get comfortable." He rolled his eyes playfully and lifted his arm up, letting her adjust which she happily did. Her legs stretched out again and she ended up kicking him in the shin this time.

"If you're gonna keep kicking me, you can go to your own bed," He said softly. It was all teasing but the thought made Demi pause. She really didn't want to go back to her own bed.

LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO, anthony lockwood ✔Where stories live. Discover now