chapter thirty-eight

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT / the auctionepisode seven

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT / the auction
episode seven.

The trio made it out of the Fittes Ball alive, just about. Lockwood seemed rather smug with himself and Lucy looked terrified. Demi was just glad to be away from Fittes. The last time she had been there, she left with a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach. Now, she was leaving in slightly higher spirits but the worry still lingered.

They talked briefly in the night cab before they reached the street corner. The cab stopped and they got out before the trio took off in a run to get to where they were supposed to meet George and Flo. They were late but they had the book so George couldn't really be that angry.

"You're late," George stated as the trio came to a stop in front of the pair. Flo looked impassive, not all that bothered about it. George was wearing that face of annoyance, as usual.

"Sorry, things got a bit weird," Lucy responded as she glanced around the gloomy streets of London. The street they were on bordered the Thames and the only thing that lit up the area was the street lights and a few ghostlights that lingered around. They were flashing intermittently as Demi looked around anxiously "I think-" Lucy began but George was prompt to cut her off. The impatience practically radiated off of him.

"Did you get the Dulac book?" He asked. Lockwood let a smirk spread across his face while Demi's gaze returned back to the group in front of her.
"Yeah, course we did. Now what's the plan?" Lockwood asked as he pulled the book from the inner pocket of his suit jacket.

"The auction's starting any minute and Winkman's locked down all the streets around it so basically we're screwed," George lamented. Demi frowned. This isn't where it could end, they had worked so hard for this and the thought that Winkman could win - like he had before - just made her want to fight that much harder even if her body was still sore from being thrown around by Visitors like a ragdoll.

"Oh, have a little faith, George. London ain't just streets, you know," Flo retorted, a wry smile spreading across the girl's lips.

"Why do I not like the sound of this," Demi mumbled. Lockwood was grinning now and he took a hold of Demi's hand, nudging her as a way to telling her that it was fine. Lockwood trusted Flo and so Demi had to trust her too even if she was anxious about how this was going to go.

"Don't worry, just stay close and no talking," Flo's words were a little reassuring even if the mischievous glint in her eye didn't seem to have gone anywhere. The group then began to follow Flo as she led them through the streets and out towards a pier. Demi didn't like being led blindly but when Flo jumped onto a boat, all her fears were squashed.

A boat was the perfect way to get around. Not only would they be able to avoid any unwanted Visitors because they were in flowing water but it also meant they could be undetected. As the boat started up, Demi was grinning.
"Why didn't I think of this?" Lockwood said as he leant against the side of the boat now that it had been parked up further down the Thames closer to their intended target - Demi presumed.

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