chapter twenty-six

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX / cursedepisode three, part seven

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episode three, part seven.

Demi did not regret going to Sam's funeral as she watched with the rest of the Agency from afar but she certainly regretted the dress that she was wearing. After everything at Combe Carey Hall, her back hurt. It hurt more than she was used to. It hurt more than it did the first time and she wasn't herself. Everyone could see it and just being stood at another funeral made her want to scream.

Another funeral of a young person. Another person died because of the visitors, because of Fittes. She couldn't stand it. Just being stood there made her want to rip her skin apart to escape the way the vessels in her heart seemed to burst. The blood was dripping through her ribcage and she was almost convinced the red stained her stomach.

But it didn't. It was all in her head and she hated being here. She hated this graveyard in particular because it was where all of them were buried. It was where she had been taken with her parents to bury four of her closest friends. Their parents and siblings sobbing into their hands as their bodies were lowered into the ground. Demi had been the only surviving and she could see the anger in everyone's eyes when they looked at her.

They hated that Demi had survived while nobody else had. Peter's family especially looked at Demi with pure disdain. Not only had she been the sole survivor but her mother was foreign. The foreign girl had survived. But nobody, not even Peter's family could hate Demi more than she hated herself. She had refused to visit the cemetery since.

Anthony had a hold of her hand as they stood and watched. It was so quiet. Only the words of the preacher echoed between the slabs of stone. Not even the birds seemed to sing in the morning sun. Not that they sang much anymore. Demi couldn't remember the last time she had heard genuine bird song. It was all a fantasy.

The ceremony came to an end with Samaran being lowered into his grave and Demi couldn't help the relief that flooded her system. She wanted to get away from it all and so when Lockwood nudged her away, she was more than happy to wander off.

But the group didn't get far until a woman began to call for them, "Excuse me?" She called. At first, Demi didn't think it was anyone talking to them but when she repeated her, "Excuse me." The group all looked behind and Penelope Fittes was walking towards them. There was so much confidence in her stride.

She was dressed as regal as you would expect from a Fittes. A large black overcoat, a neat black suit. But her beauty couldn't distract Demi from the annoyance that settled into her chest. It wasn't Penelope Fittes' fault that her team had died but it was her company and they had all but blamed her for it in the end.

"Hi. Uh, my name's Penelope Fittes," She said. Though that much was obvious which George was quick to retort.

"We know who you are." Demi would have nudged him but she was stood on the other side of Lockwood, space in the form of Lockwood's body separated them.

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