chapter thirty-nine

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE / mary dulacepisode eight, part one

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE / mary dulac
episode eight, part one.

After they had jumped into the Thames, they managed to swim upshore but with the late October temperatures, Demi felt like she was quickly heading for frostbite. When they managed to drag themselves out of the water, Demi didn't want to move and as she shivered against the cold pebbled shores of the river. It was Lockwood that pulled her up. The trio were quiet as they walked to the main streets and then they managed to get a night cab. Nobody said anything.

Lockwood paid for the cab and they gave George the mirror and then they headed home to Portland Row. Nobody said anything. The silence was deafening between the three but Demi couldn't think about the now when she was thinking about her dad. He was alive, he was involved in something and she had no idea what. He was probably dead. She didn't know what to do.

She curled into Lockwood's side as they got another night cab and headed to Portland Row. He held her, rubbing her arm in an attempt to warm her up but it didn't do much. Her teeth were still chattering when they climbed out on the street corner near home. Demi got out first followed by Lockwood and then Lucy.

"I can't stand this anymore. One of you say something, please," Lockwood begged as the cab drove away once he'd paid. Lucy was already walking towards home but at his words, she came to a stop and turned on the pair that were still lingering on the street corner, "We won. We escaped Winkman. Barnes has got the mirror. We won. It's over," Lockwood ranted as he looked from Lucy to Demi before back to Lucy. Demi wrapped her arms around herself, trying to conserve as much body heat as she could.

"I don't have anything to say," Demi mumbled. She was still so cold and the October night air was really not helping. The sooner that she was in Portland Row, the better. Her teeth were still chattering, her arms did very little to warm her up.

"I can't believe you!" Lucy suddenly shouted. It seemed her anger had finally boiled over and Demi looked up, eyebrows furrowed. Demi hadn't expected so much anger but she didn't have the energy to fight it.

"What?" Lockwood responded, dumb-founded.

"You just can't help yourself, can you? You have to be the hero! You have to be the best, don't you? Every relic hunter in London is gonna be out to kill us and all you care about is winning! We haven't won anything," Lucy snapped, anger blazing in her eyes as she stepped closer to the pair. Her arms were wrapped around herself, dress dripping with water still. They were all soaked to the bone, make-up ruined.

"Yes, we have, we got the bone glass!" Lockwood argued and Lucy scoffed. She threw her hand out in annoyance. Her fringe was clinging to her forehead, barely dry after their late-night swim.

"No. You put our lives in danger. You put Demi's life in danger again!" Lucy shouted, pointing towards Demi with a rough gesture, "We could have left. We could have stopped that man being killed, we could have been fine! Don't you think you've hurt Demi enough? Look at her! We should have left!" The brunette's anger just seemed to grow as she glanced at Demi. The other girl's head was tilted down, arms wrapped around herself, shivering. The impact on the water had made her bruises hurt even more than before. But she was used to the pain now.

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