chapter sixteen

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━━ CHAPTER SIXTEEN / the loanepisode two, part five

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━━ CHAPTER SIXTEEN / the loan
episode two, part five.

The five of them were all in the kitchen. Erin, Lucy and George had taken a seat at the table and Demi was in front of the kettle making herself a hot chocolate. She had grabbed a mug from the holders attached to the wall and had offered to make tea for the others but nobody had responded so she kept it for herself. She stood on the opposite side of the table to where the others were sitting as her fingers tapped against the wooden counters.

Lockwood had returned from grabbing a locket from the basement and was now standing a few steps from Demi, leaning back against the counter. The locket was where the ring would be staying for the foreseeable future. It was dangerous and it was one of the few things she was agreeing with Lockwood on.

"The ring stays in the basement until we take it to the furnaces," Lockwood explained as he glanced across the group. He was leaning against the counter which meant he couldn't see the relief that spread across Demi's face. It was hidden as she faced the wall, not really wanting to look at Erin or Lucy. The guilt had chewed her up and spat her out, making her nervous to even look at the girls.

The ring was important and clearly there was something more with Annabel but Demi didn't want anyone to get hurt. Both Lucy and Erin had been dangerously close to something and finding out what it was, was not in Demi's job description. She wanted to just go back to normal cases and being as careful as they could be with Lockwood in charge with how they acted.

"What?" Lucy exclaimed in response, "Why would we stop when we're just getting somewhere?" A small frown appeared on her lips. Demi grabbed the kettle now that it was finished boiling and poured it into her mug, on top of the hot chocolate powder. She tried to ignore the way her head swirled dangerously and the way her back ached with the weight of the kettle in her hand.

"We risked two lives already," Demi said as she walked to the other end of the kitchen to grab a fresh teaspoon since she had accidentally dumped the other one in the sink - on top of the plates from George's dinner the previous night.

"And we can't have any more pet projects. There's bills to pay," Lockwood added as he glanced over at Demi, watching her move. He could see the way she winced as she walked but she was trying her best to ignore how walking hurt. All he wanted to do was help her but she was stubborn and he knew that there was nothing that could be done.

"What bills?" George asked, his eyebrows furrowed. His words brought Lockwood back to the group and he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a letter from his hoodie. A letter that he had gone into his room to grab before they had come downstairs. Demi had also seen him holding it when they left DEPRAC the previous day, not that she questioned it. She had been so caught up with her parents that everything else had turned into a messy blur of emotions. She realised now that she definitely should have. George took a hold of the letter first and the confusion spread across his face, "£60,000?" Demi dropped her teaspoon in her hot chocolate and walked over to George so she could look over his shoulder, skimming over what was written.

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