chapter thirty-seven

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN / the fittes ballepisode six, part two

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN / the fittes ball
episode six, part two.

After the invite to the Fittes Ball, Demi and Lucy had been ordered to go dress shopping. And so, Erin had decided that she would take them. Erin wanted to treat them and it also meant that she could show them both some of her favourite spots in London. Demi didn't mind the company. She had spent so long living with just the boys that having a girl's day felt like a nice change of pace.

Plus, she felt a lot more alive than she had in a few weeks. Sleeping for most of the day had made her feel so much better and even if the anxiety lingered in her gut, it was more manageable. And it seemed that the bruises on her back were beginning to heal a little better now that she wasn't pushing her body to the limits. Demi was happy.

The trio had spent an hour or so browsing and picking up the dresses that interested them. After two stores were duds, they were at the third store (and Erin's favourite) and they had finally had some luck. Both Demi and Lucy had picked up three dresses that they wanted to try on and Lucy was currently in the dressing room.

Erin and Demi were sitting on the comfy couches together, waiting for Lucy to come out. The silence was comfortable and Demi had her dresses on hangers pushed against her chest as she stared up at the ceiling. It was a nice silence but she knew that Erin wanted to say something,

"So, you and Lockwood?" Erin asked, quirking the corner of her lip up. Demi turned to look over at the girl and she couldn't help a small smile spread across her lips.

"Yeah..." She mumbled softly. A grin began to spread across Demi's lips. Even just the mention of him made her stomach fill with butterflies and despite how infuriating he was, she adored him all the same. It had been a mess and she really needed to talk to him about what they were but that was an issue for another day.

"How long ago did this become a thing?" Erin asked curiously as she looked at the brunette. Demi shifted under Erin's gaze, adjusting the dresses against her chest as she pulled a leg up to rest on the edge of the sofa.

"A week ago, I think. I didn't really expect it. It came out of nowhere," Demi admitted. Erin stared at her, disbelief spread across her features. Demi cocked an eyebrow, unsure why Erin looked so baffled by that statement.

"What do you mean? He obviously likes you," Erin stated bluntly. Demi scoffed and shook her head, turning her gaze to the dressing room ahead of them. Her hand moved to tuck some hair behind her ear.

"He was always protective but that doesn't mean he liked me," Demi retorted. Erin shook her head and she shuffled closer to the brunette, nudging her in the side.

"Dem, don't kid yourself. It was clear to everyone," Erin teased and Demi opened her mouth to make some sort of response. But thankfully, Lucy came out of the dressing room with the first dress on.

"Okay, the first dress is on," Lucy stated as she pulled the curtain back. The dress was pretty. It was baby pink and flowy. It went all the way to the floor and it would have looked gorgeous on anyone else but Demi knew instantly that it was not the right one.

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