chapter twenty

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY / a good dealepisode three, part three

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━━ CHAPTER TWENTY / a good deal
episode three, part three.

By the time that Demi had reached home and took the stairs - cautiously - down into the basement, it was a mess. A somewhat organised mess but a mess as Lucy sorted through everything they were allowed to take and everything that would be strictly against the rules. It was like a bombsite that had been meticulously organised. Demi tried not to think about how she would be the one putting them back in place later.

"How's it going?" Demi asked as she leant against one of the wooden beams that kept the basement from collapsing in on itself. Lucy's head shot up, her hand moving to her heart due to the fright that Demi had given her. A small grin appeared on Demi's lips as she watched Lucy kneel back, straightening her back.

"It's alright. Just making sure that I don't pack anything we can't take. Is Lockwood with you?" Lucy asked. Demi shook her head and she grabbed the chair from under the desk where George often did his paperwork. She dropped onto the chair, glad to have the weight off her feet. Her whole body seemed to relax under the lack of pressure.

"He's still at Satchell's. He didn't really need my help," Demi explained. Lucy nodded and then she leant over and grabbed a few more supplies. She dropped them into the bag before separating the others out.

"Did he just want to get you alone?" Lucy asked and Demi nodded her head. But then she clicked on what Lucy actually went and she spluttered out, attempting to tell her no that it wasn't like that but it didn't exactly come out how she wanted to. A soft sigh escaped her lips.

"He just wanted to talk to me about stuff. Not important stuff," Demi dismissed. Lucy sent her a teasing smile before she nodded her head and looked down at the equipment again. She continued to sort through it as Demi stewed, realising that she wanted to be anywhere but here right now.

"How many nights did you sleep in his bed this past week?" Lucy asked curiously as she leant over to grab something that was closer towards Demi. The other girl's eyes narrowed and Lucy sent her a half-smile, "It's just a question." The little shrug was enough for Demi to sigh but respond.

"Every day." Lucy chuckled softly and she grabbed one of the cylinders before she chucked it at Demi. The brunette - who hadn't really been paying attention - quickly snatched it from the air and looked down at her.

"Flare or not?" Lucy asked. The casing was different to the rest and she didn't recognise it. Demi did and she quickly slipped it into her pockets.

"Neither. Something I made. Not sure how it got down here," Demi said quickly. That must have been the prototype that Anthony had stolen a few weeks ago. He had some nerve but she tried not to think about it.

"Do you two cuddle?" The question was out of the blue like basically everything that had been happening to Demi that day and she was paralysed, unsure how to answer. And that was answer enough. Lucy chuckled and then continued to sort, "Snog him already, honestly." Demi scoffed and shook her head.

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