chapter fourteen

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━━ CHAPTER FOURTEEN / bruisedepisode two, part three

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episode two, part three.

After the incident upstairs, Demi felt like she had been kicked by a horse. Something she had never personally experienced but she assumed it felt just like this. Her back ached with every single movement and as she walked down into the kitchen, she had to grit her teeth against the pain. To say that she was uncomfortable would be an understatement. Sleeping would be a nightmare and she didn't even want to think about going on her morning run.

It was as good as a death sentence so while George grabbed a box for the ring from downstairs, Demi flicked the kettle on and grabbed a clean mug off the drying rack. She then dropped three scoops of hot chocolate powder in before waiting for the kettle. Lockwood and George were leaning against the counter a few steps from her while Lucy was standing on the other side of the table.

They had already begun quietly arguing but it made Demi want to smash her head through a wall. She was exhausted, in immense pain and so sick of arguments. She loved their little family but she was ready to smack someone if they started anything which would disturb the peace. George was dangerously close to getting a teaspoon thrown at his head.

"I didn't know it was the source. I just took it because..." Lucy paused and Demi glanced back at her. The brunette had one hand on the back of the chair and her fingers were messing with a picture of Annabel that they had taken from the newspapers, "It's like I can feel what she feels. What she wants," Lucy continued. Demi turned back to her hot chocolate, staring at the grains in the cup. She used her spoon to gently push them around, doing anything to occupy her mind. "I know, it's hard to explain." The boys were looking at Lucy with annoyed, confused faces. It seemed that they both wanted to get to bed.

"A psychic connection?" Anthony asked curiously.

"Yes!" Lucy responded quickly. Her hands moved away from the pictures now and her gaze continued to glance down at the ring in the box. Demi dropped the teaspoon in her mug and then walked past the boys, grabbing the First Aid kit from the cupboard.

"I literally cannot believe you stole a source from a crime scene. DEPRAC will bury us," George snapped. The annoyance was written across his face and Demi had half a mind to throw the entire first aid box at him. DEPRAC was already on their arse about everything else, stealing a Source would just be at the end of a very long list.

"Excuse me. I'm not the only one round here who steals sources. What about that ridiculous skull you're always experimenting on? Annabel was stuck behind a wall for 40 years with nobody knowing and DEPRAC doing sod all. She needs our help," Lucy argued her point perfectly and Demi had half a mind to make a comment to the boys. But she restrained herself as she unclipped the lid of the First Aid box. She grabbed the painkillers and popped two out before she walked back over to the counter. Just as the kettle clicked off.

"And what does she expect you to do, exactly, after all this time?" George asked as Demi began to pour the water into the mug.

"Solve this. Get justice," Lucy's words were strong and Demi knew that it was the right thing to do. The fact that the boys were so hesitant was annoying and confusing. They walked into a challenge head first without any regard for what could go right or wrong. This was right up their street and yet... nothing.

LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO, anthony lockwood ✔Where stories live. Discover now