chapter twelve

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━━ CHAPTER TWELVE / sergeant barnesepisode two, part one

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━━ CHAPTER TWELVE / sergeant barnes
episode two, part one.

If Demi was completely honest, she didn't remember exactly how she got to the DEPRAC station in an interview room. It was dark which was doing wonders for her throbbing head and nobody was talking to her which was another good thing. But it also meant that she was stewing in her emotions. Her annoyance swirling around and around in her head.

Before eventually, she found herself too exhausted to be annoyed anymore. Everything that Lockwood had done was valid, Lucy had been reckless but she was also new to the company. She worked on instinct. This wasn't what she was used to, not really. Even if she had worked up north, it was different.

And so Demi gave up trying to blame someone. Instead, she sat with her forehead cooling against the interview table, begging for sleep to take her over. But then the door opened and she shifted to sit up straight. Inspector Barnes was standing in the doorway and he stepped into the room before he closed the door behind him.

They were both silent until he sat down across from her. He gave her a cup of water and Demi smiled thankfully. She took a few small sips before she settled back, seemingly a little more comfortable now then she had been.

"Do you know how many rules were broken by you and your friends tonight?" He asked curiously. Demi stared at him, confused. It wasn't her agency. This was not her responsibility, "You were one of the best when you were at Fittes. And now this? Setting off Greek Fire in a closed environment?" Demi scoffed and she placed her cup of water down.

"It was an accident," Demi responded with a small shrug. Barnes hummed softly, nodding his head as he looked down at the file in his hand. It was an empty file but Demi couldn't see that. Her heart squeezed and the thought of being jailed for this suddenly sprung to mind. Whether it was her agency or not, she had been complicit in breaking DEPRAC rules.

"I assume your parents don't know about your new job?" Barnes asked curiously as he closed the file and rested it in such a way that Demi couldn't see how truly empty it was. Demi didn't know how to respond to his words. All those months ago, she had quite literally ran away from home. She wasn't even sure what her parents were doing now. If they had looked for her, any of it. She had heard nothing, seen nothing.

"How is that relevant?" Demi asked quickly. Barnes shrugged and leant back in his chair.

"You tell me," He said. Demi narrowed her eyes but didn't say anything. Suddenly, she didn't want to talk and the water that was placed in front of her tasted unpleasant. The dryness of her throat made it hard to breathe but she didn't care. She wouldn't take anything from him, "I did give them a call. They should be able to pick you up." Demi's eyes shot open and her chair scraped back as she moved to stand up.

"I want to leave now. Unless you're arresting me, you have no right to detain me," She snapped suddenly. Barnes cocked an eyebrow and he watched as Demi's eyes seemed to frantically search the room. Her entire body language stiffened.

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