chapter nineteen

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━━ CHAPTER NINETEEN / fairfaxepisode three, part two

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episode three, part two.

When Lockwood had told them he had a big plan, Demi did not anticipate being stood in the elevator of the Fairfax building holding a breakfast wrap with ketchup smeared on the corners of her lips. In fact, it was the opposite of where she wanted to be. She wanted to be at home, in her bed or preferably Lockwood's and dozing the day away as a way to pretend that the past week or two had never happened at all. But, alas, here she was.

George was leaning against the side of the elevator, Lockwood and Lucy against the back wall while Demi stood awkwardly between the trio. Each bite of her wrap she took cautiously but it didn't make it any cleaner and the cheese still dripped onto her fingers much to her annoyance.

"So your big, radical plan is a job at Fairfax Iron for work we can't legally do?" George asked with his usual deadpan look on his face. Though, as always when it came to recently, he sounded hesitant and maybe just a little annoyed.

"George, this negativity," That familiar smirk appeared on Lockwood's face as he looked to his best friend, "It's why I don't tell you things in advance." The newspaper that had been in Lockwood's hand was taken by Lucy and so he moved to rest his hands in his belt.

"Not like you told me either," Demi mumbled. Lockwood looked down at her and she cocked an eyebrow. He shrugged and she rolled her eyes though it was a more playful look.

"Agents required for unusual supernatural investigation. Money commensurate with danger," Lucy read out the ad that Lockwood had found in the newspaper. Demi had finished with her wrap now and folded up the paper that it had come in, shoving it into the pocket of her jacket, "I'm guessing that means a lot of danger," Lucy added.

"If we're in the Fairfax building..." Demi trailed off as she glanced between the trio. Lockwood moved forward and lifted his hand to wipe the tomato ketchup from the corner of Demi's mouth.

"Better be at least 60 grand's worth," George mumbled. Demi stared up at Lockwood for a moment as he checked the rest of her face for any sauce. There was none, so he stepped back and pulled the tissue from his pocket, wiping the sauce on it before he leant back. Just as the door to the elevator opened.

The flush that had overtaken Demi's face was enough to make her feelings clear but none of them acknowledged it as the group of people filed in. George moved to be stood beside Lockwood, leant against the wall and Demi slipped in between Lockwood and Lucy. Lucy gave Demi a playful nudge which got a glare in return.

"You're both intolerable," Lucy teased. Demi scoffed and the look she got from Lockwood made the girls stop before their conversation had even really started.

"When we get up there, we need to be at our absolute best," He began once the elevator doors had closed. They had to go up to floor 20 which is presumably where they would meet one of Fairfax's assistants who would explain the job. It was far from what they were used to but Demi had tried to look her best, "We have to be totally professional. So I'll do the talking," Demi tried to hold back the scoff that escaped. Lockwood was a charmer but he was hardly the most professional around. He was stubborn, a little impulsive and rash.

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