chapter thirty-two

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO / edmund bickerstaffepisode four, part five

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO / edmund bickerstaff
episode four, part five

The taxi ride was quiet. Demi had taken her place next to Lockwood and despite the argument, her first move was to rest her head on his shoulder. Her arm wrapped around his back awkwardly pressed against the taxi seat. But she didn't care. She just wanted to be close to him and her whole body already ached so it didn't really matter much.

His head had tilted to rest against hers and he pressed a kiss to her hair, connecting their hands which rested between them. It was quiet and they knew that they would find George but Demi was worried. She had been worried, all this time, about him even if she was annoyed by how both of them had treated Lucy. And even how Lockwood had treated George. It was infuriating but she couldn't be annoyed forever so she wasn't going to be.

When they arrived at the cemetery, Demi was the first one to get to the taxi door and she shoved it open. Without even checking for the others, she walked - determined - towards the Chapel where they had been barely two hours earlier. Lockwood was quick to catch up, grabbing her hand to calm her down. And at that moment, they both spotted it. At that same moment, they saw the last people they wanted to see. They both came to a stop, Lucy and Erin coming up behind them.

"I have a strong feeling that you were right about George being here," Demi mumbled almost sarcastically. The four of them watched as Kipps' crew and the Snyder Agency all filed into the Chapel for some reason. Demi could only assume that something had happened.

"Oh God," Erin said. Her gaze was clearly on Snyder. That made Demi frown, deeper. She didn't want to see Chase right now. She didn't know what she'd do.

"Why is Kipps here?" Lockwood asked as he glanced between the girls. His annoyance was clear. His grip on Demi's hand shifted slightly harsher but she didn't mind. It was a good reminder of what she had now.

"Why don't we find out?" Lucy snapped and then the four rushed into the Chapel. They could hear Kipps talking as he always did. His voice was infuriating. And Demi was reminded why she had punched him in the face at Combe Carey.

"We're right here," Lockwood said as he pulled Demi through the door behind him. Lucy and Erin were close behind and every eye in the room turned to the group as they walked through the group that had gathered.

"Ah!" Kipps said as he watched them move through over to George who was situated along the right-hand wall by a body. What they could only presume was the body from the grave. That was now not covered in an iron net. Which meant that the Source was gone. But when Demi turned around to face the opposing group, they realised that they had lost Erin to Chase. Demi frowned but tried not to think about it as she stood as close as she could to George.

Demi could see that Chase had said something to Erin but she couldn't hear what it was. Then he seemed to pull her close. It was a gentle gesture and she heard his next words loud and clear, "I'm just glad you're safe." It made Demi's stomach churn but she ignored it in favour of looking at Lockwood with a small smile.

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