chapter thirty-six

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX/ bone-glassepisode six, part one

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━━ CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX/ bone-glass
episode six, part one.

Eventually DEPRAC and Barnes had left the Agency blissfully alone which meant that Lockwood came down to speak to Demi, who was still in the kitchen. They both needed to get some sleep, it had been a long night and Lockwood still wanted to know how she had gotten home. One moment she was with them at Winkman's and the next, she was gone. Lucy hadn't seen what had happened either which only made him more worried.

So, the second that everyone else had retired to their rooms, he grabbed her hand and led her upstairs back to his room. Her pyjamas were left on the side from when she had been there last and so, they both changed, not saying much. Neither of them really knew what to say but it was unavoidable that they would have to speak eventually.

Though, Demi tried to avoid it for a little longer by disappearing into the bathroom so that she could brush her teeth. The entire time she just stared back at herself in the mirror. Her hair was still shiny but not greasy which she was thankful for. The bags under her eyes seemed more obvious than ever and she was paler than usual. That terrified her. Her entire body felt like it had been drained by the visitors they'd been fighting.

It hadn't been like that in months. Not since she had left Fittes.

She hadn't realised how long she had been staring at herself until there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Dem, are you okay?" Lockwood's voice was soft as his head rested on the painted white door. The brunette spat out her toothpaste, washed her toothbrush and wiped her mouth before she walked over to the door. She pulled it open and Lockwood stood on the other side with a small frown on his face. His head tilted to the side slightly, "Bed?" He asked. Demi nodded and the two headed back up to his room. Demi curled up on her side before Lockwood got in. He then pulled her closer, his head burying against her back.

"I don't know how I got home. I'm scared," Demi admitted softly. She sounded exhausted and her words made Lockwood's eyebrows furrow. The brunette rolled over to face the boy and he looked into her eyes, frowning.

"What do you mean?" He asked softly. Demi let her hands rest in the space between them, her eyes falling closed briefly.

"I was at Winkman's and I was hearing everything all at once one second and then the next, I was at Portland Row. I had this ring. I don't know what it was but it was there. And I could hear laughing and screaming and I don't know what's wrong with me," Her voice broke towards the end, tears springing into her eyes. For all she knew, Lockwood could have been dying while she was wandering through London. They hadn't talked about what had happened at Winkman's and part of her didn't want to know. She knew it would be bad.

"There's nothing wrong with you," He promised softly as he stroked his fingers through her hair. Demi shook her head, she didn't believe that for a second.

"Ever since my team died at Fittes, something has been wrong. Ever since Chase left me, something hasn't been right. I'm cursed," Demi's hand pressed over her face, desperately trying to hide away from the boy in front of her. But that could never happen. He saw her more than anyone had before. They were only teenagers and she felt like the weight of the world was pressing down on her shoulders.

LIKE REAL PEOPLE DO, anthony lockwood ✔Where stories live. Discover now